Remodeling Contractor - Auburn, WA
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205 C St NW
Auburn, WA 98001
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Auburn 2010 | Mar 2010 | Permit Number: ADD10-0011 Permit Type: ADDITION Permit Description: SINGLE FAM RESIDENTIAL SNELL - TWO STORY ADDITION (3/2/2010 4:17 PM STH) FIRST LEVEL - 551 SQ FT - KITCHEN-BDRM-LIVING RM. SECOND LEVEL - 475 SQ FT - BONUS RM-BATH RM., 1. Site is zoned R5, SF residential with Lea Hill Overlay. In the R5 zoning district, the interior side yard setback is 5 feet; street side yard setback is 10 feet. The street side yard setback would apply to the addition and the distance to Tract A, since Tract A serves as the exclusive access to Lots 21 and 22. Site plan must show distance from finished exterior wall to property line and distance from roof eave to property line. 2. There is some confusion about the purpose and intended use of the proposed building addition arising from the application and supporting information. The site plan indicates: ?add mother in law to existing residence? however, this same information is not on the architectural plans. Also, the plans are not approvable as presented because they do not meet zoning code standards for an ?accessory dwelling unit? (ADU) (see comments which follow) and they do not building code standards (see building division comments). Please revise plans to clearly indicate if this is proposed as an ADU or just as an addition to an SF residence that will be operated as a single housekeeping unit. Revise to meet code requirements and consistently agree. 3. The zoning code standards for ADU?s is attached. A pre-application meeting is strongly recommended to review the requirements and ensure they can be met with this proposal. 4. The ADU cannot be larger that the smaller of half the residence or 950 square feet. The current proposal with both floors is larger than allowed. The maximum square footage is based on both floors. 5. The exterior of the ADU must not be changed in appearance from that of a SF residence. Additional exterior detail is needed to meet this requirement and avoid large blank walls. 6. Applicant must submit affidavit of owner residency with permit application. Then prior to final inspection evidence that a restriction has been recorded on title is needed. The restriction can be recorded earlier. 7. Sh, ow on the site plan the location, dimensions for the parking stalls meeting city requirements for the number of stalls needed for both the main residence and the ADU. 8. Gravel drive and parking surface do not meet city standards and must be paved. 9. Proposed gravel drive is accessing to Tract A and according to the plat of Webster Place, Tract A is owned by Lots 21 and 22. Need to demonstrate written permission to use this access prior to permit approval. 10. Indicate height of the building addition. 11. The 15 foot building setback line to the off-site wetland buffer needs to be shown on the site plan. 12. Please confirm amount of lot coverage including deck, sunroom and the proposed addition. The proportion of the lot with buildings appears greater than 31% listed on the site plan. SEPARATE ATTACHMENT ACC 18.31.120 Accessory dwelling units. Accessory dwelling units are permitted outright in all residential zones that permit single-family homes, and may be developed with new or existing single-family homes. The development standards of the underlying zone and the following siting and performance standards shall apply to all accessory dwelling units as defined by ACC 18.04.018. A. The home or accessory dwelling unit must be the principal place of residence for the homeowner. B. Only one accessory dwelling unit may be permitted per single-family residence. C. An accessory dwelling unit shall not be larger than 50 percent of the square footage of the single-family home with garage space not being included in the calculation. In no case shall the accessory dwelling unit be more than 950 square feet, nor less than 300 square feet, nor have more than two bedrooms. D. Exterior Appearance/Modifications. 1. Any alterations shall not change the appearance from that of a single-family residence, as determined by the planning director. 2. Only one exterior entrance is allowed to the accessory dwelling unit and it can be located n, o closer than 10 feet to an adjoining property line. 3. Any exterior stairs shall be placed in the rear or side setback and no closer than 10 feet to an adjoining property line. 4. Where garage space is converted to living space, the garage door shall be replaced with materials that match the exterior of the house. If a detached garage is converted, its appearance must still be that of a detached garage and the detached garage must be able to be used for parking of at least one vehicle. E. Parking Requirements. 1. The parking required for the existing single-family home must meet all requirements of the zoning code including amount, size and setback requirements in order for an accessory dwelling unit to be allowed. 2. One additional parking space, beyond those required for the single-family home, is required for an accessory dwelling unit. The additional parking space must also meet all requirements of the zoning code. 3. Newly created parking shall make use of existing curb cuts, when possible. F. An accessory dwelling unit may not be sold as a separate piece of property, or as a condominium unit, unless allowed by the existing zoning on the property. G. Any homeowner seeking to establish an accessory dwelling unit shall apply for approval in accordance with the following procedures: 1. The homeowner shall apply for an accessory dwelling unit permit with the city. A complete application shall include a properly completed application form, floor and structural plans, fees and an affidavit of owner residency. The affidavit of owner residency must be signed before a notary public affirming that the owner meets the requirements of subsections A through E of this section. 2. Before issuance of the accessory dwelling unit permit, the homeowner must provide a copy of a statement recorded with the county records and elections office. The statement must read: An application for a permit for an accessory dwelling unit has been submitted to the city of Auburn by t, he owner of this property. Future owners are advised that the owner of the property must comply with all requirements of the Auburn Zoning Code, as amended, if the accessory dwelling unit is to be occupied or rented. H. If an accessory dwelling unit is to be removed, appropriate permits and inspections must first be received from the city. If a homeowner wants to remove the statement as required by subsection (G)(2) of this section from the property's title, then the city shall issue an appropriate release upon evidence that the accessory dwelling unit has been removed. The release shall be recorded by the homeowner with the county records and elections office and a copy of the recorded release shall be provided to the city. (Ord. 6245 ? 15, 2009.) , | $80k | Auburn, WA | |
Demolition Services Kent 2009 | Jul 2009 | Permit Number: B09M0832 Permit Type: Residential Building - Addition-Improvement, Building/Residential Building/Addition-Improvement/NA Permit Description: Building/Residential Building/Addition-Improvement DEMO EXISTING DECK AND CONSTRUCT NEW 13 X 14 DECK W/ COVER | $3k | Kent, WA | |
Porch Construction Renton 2008 | Sep 2008 | Permit Number: B08M1403 Permit Type: Residential Building - Addition-Improvement, Building/Residential Building/Addition-Improvement/NA Permit Description: Building/Residential Building/Addition-Improvement CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW COVERED PORCH OVER AN EXISTING DECK | $3k | Renton, WA | |
Remodeling Auburn 2002 | Nov 2003 | Permit Number: ALT02-0215 Permit Type: ALTERATIONS Permit Description: office COM ADD CODDINGTON - CHG OF USE, INT REMODEL, RAMP, ADA UPGRD (03/08/2000 08:44 CRJ) REMODEL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE INTO A OFFICE OCCUPANCY | $20k | Auburn, WA | |
Patio Construction Renton 2002 | Nov 2002 | Permit Number: B02M1949 Permit Type: Residential Building - Addition-Improvement, Building/Residential Building/Addition-Improvement/NA Permit Description: Building/Residential Building/Addition-Improvement COVER EXISTING PATIO | $8k | Renton, WA | |
Home Addition Auburn 2010 | Mar 2010 | Permit Number: STM10-0054 Permit Type: STORM Permit Description: LEVEL 1 SNELL - TWO STORY ADDITION (3/2/2010 4:17 PM STH) FIRST LEVEL - 551 SQ FT - KITCHEN-BDRM-LIVING RM. SECOND LEVEL - 475 SQ FT - BONUS RM-BATH RM. | Auburn, WA | ||
Auburn 2002 | Nov 2003 | Permit Number: MEC03-0495 Permit Type: MECHANICAL Permit Description: COM ADD CODDINGTON - CHG OF USE, INT REMODEL, RAMP, ADA UPGRD (03/08/2000 08:44 CRJ) REMODEL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE INTO A OFFICE OCCUPANCY , HEAT PUMP - FURNACE/AC | Auburn, WA | ||