Remodeling Contractor - Brawley, CA
Phyllis Elijah Design is a remodeling specialist in Brawley. They provide wine cellar design, flooring services, wainscoting, and kitchen design.
paula s.
Phone number for Phyllis Elijah design (760) 344-4369 is same phone number for animal rescue group Southern Counties Rescue, Inc that contacted AVID microchip company December 18, 2017 letting me know my cat had been found because of his microchip, by her rescue group. Good news turned into a nightmare when Phyllis has refused to tell me where my cat was found and scanned for his microchip, where her volunteer was feeding him by her work, or where he is located. Do not trust Phyllis Elijah.
891 W Legion Rd
Brawley, CA 92227