Green Branch Construction, Inc.

General Contractor - Charlotte, NC

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based on 20 online reviews
based on 20 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Charlotte 2012

Sep 2012

Permit Number: B2381220 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: Commercial S1 * STORAGE - MODERATE HAZARD 328 - Other CO'able Non-Res Bldgs(jails,post office) Your project has been assigned to the following inspection team for project assistance: North Team @ 704-336-4952. Express Detailing


Charlotte, NC

Charlotte 2012

Sep 2012

Permit Number: B2383548 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: Commercial B * BUSINESS 437 - All Other CO'able Buildings / Structures Your project has been assigned to the following inspection team for project assistance: South Team @ 704-336-3534. Rehab Ethan Izac Group


Charlotte, NC

Huntersville 2012

Sep 2012

Permit Number: B2378000 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: One/Two Family R3 * RESIDENTIAL - SINGLE FAMILY 328 - Other Not-CO'able Non-Residential Buildings(well h Retaining Wall This is a 12'6' high retaining wall.. Residential Plan Review needed. Your project has been assigned to the following inspection team for project assistance: North Team @ 704-336-4952. NEWTON/RETAINING WALL-SMALL PLN REV


Huntersville, NC

Huntersville 2012

Sep 2012

Permit Number: B2375867 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: One/Two Family R3 * RESIDENTIAL - SINGLE FAMILY 434 - Housekeeping Buildings(additions, chimneys, conv, Sub-trade missing or needed on project. Your project has been assigned to the following inspection team for project assistance: North Team @ 704-336-4952. NEWTON/NEW RESIDENCE/PLN REVIEW


Huntersville, NC

Huntersville 2012

Jun 2012

Permit Number: B2337436 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: Commercial B * BUSINESS 324 - Office, Bank, Prof. Medical Offices Your project has been assigned to the following inspection team for project assistance: North Team @ 704-336-4952. FAMILY CATERING


Huntersville, NC

Huntersville 2011

Nov 2011

Permit Number: B2263569 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: One/Two Family R3 * RESIDENTIAL - SINGLE FAMILY 101 - One Family Detached HUNTERSVILLE VARIANCE GRANTED AND ON FILE. Town or Agency Approval needed. No Mechanical equipment in set-back area.. Your project has been assigned to the following inspection team for project assistance: North Team @ 704-336-4952. NEWTON/NEW RESIDENCE/PLN REVIEW


Huntersville, NC

Porch Construction Charlotte 2007

Apr 2007

Permit Number: B1758883 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: One/Two Family 434 - Housekeeping Buildings(additions, chimneys, conv, No Mechanical equipment in set-back area. DEN/DINING ROOM/SCREEN PORCH/BATH


Charlotte, NC

Charlotte 2007

May 2007

Permit Number: B1766160 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: One/Two Family 438 - Residential Garages / Carports(attached or detache THIS PERMIT IS TO FINISH OUT AND FINAL THE DETACHED GARAGE. THERE IS NO PLUMBING WORK TO BE DONE IN THE GARAGE. THERE HAVE BEEN PREVIOUS INSPECTION ON THE ORIGINAL PERMIT-RE:B1435544. DETACHED GARAGE


Charlotte, NC

Plumbing Services Charlotte 2007

Apr 2007

Permit Number: B1757614 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: One/Two Family 434 - Housekeeping Buildings(additions, chimneys, conv, DECK WITH A OPEN TOP(PERGALA), NO ELEC, NO MECH, NO PLUMBING NEEDED.. No Mechanical equipment in set-back area. DECK W/ PERGALA


Charlotte, NC