Roofing Contractor - Crystal Lake, IL
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At Jarvis Exteriors, Inc. you can expect detailed estimates that show you all of your options and materials with No Hidden Costs! If we run into something unexpected, we will pre-approve any additional work before we do it. Let's face it folks, no one likes to be told about additional costs after the work has been done. Year after year we've been complaint Free with the Better Business Bureau and we pride ourselves in meeting the needs of the individual homeowner on every job we do. Feel free to contact any of our past customers to ensure that Jarvis Exteriors, Inc. is the right contractor for your project. You can rest assured that Jarvis Exteriors, Inc. has done all things possible to guarantee that if a problem ever arises, we are backed up by all the licensing, insurance, and bonds necessary to protect you the customer, our employees and your home. We carry all the current state issued licenses necessary for roofing contractors must have to legally complete roofing work in Illinois, Missouri & Indiana. Additionally our license carries a special unlimited rating, that most contractors licenses don't carry, allowing us to complete all forms of commercial, industrial and residential work. We are also fully insured, providing both liability protection and workman's comprehensive insurance for our employees. And you, as the homeowner, need to know that if a workman suffers an injury on your property and the contractor does not carry employee comprehensive insurance you could be held liable. Finally, we are bonded, as a secondary measure of protection, with the state.
26 years in business
Average rating
111 Erick St Ste 121
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Photo | Project | Date | Description | Cost | Home |
Roofing Services Elgin 2013 | Jun 2013 | Permit Number: 13-00024134 Permit Type: ROOF/REROOF/ALTER/REPAIR Permit Description: REROOFING/TEAROFF | $6k | Elgin, IL | |
Elgin 2013 | Jun 2013 | Permit Number: 13-00024135 Permit Type: REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Permit Description: REPLACEMENT WINDOWS | $3k | Elgin, IL | |
Roofing Services Elgin 2012 | Jun 2012 | Permit Number: 12-00017942 Permit Type: ROOF/REROOF/ALTER/REPAIR Permit Description: REROOFING/TEAROFF | $5k | Elgin, IL | |
Roofing Services Elgin 2010 | Nov 2010 | Permit Number: 10-00009150 Permit Type: ROOF/REROOF/ALTER/REPAIR Permit Description: REROOFING/TEAROFF | $9k | Elgin, IL | |
Roofing Services Elgin 2010 | Oct 2010 | Permit Number: 10-00008763 Permit Type: ROOF/REROOF/ALTER/REPAIR Permit Description: REROOFING/TEAROFF | $15k | Elgin, IL | |
Roofing Services Elgin 2010 | Oct 2010 | Permit Number: 10-00008764 Permit Type: ROOF/REROOF/ALTER/REPAIR Permit Description: REROOFING/TEAROFF | $15k | Elgin, IL | |
Roofing Services Elgin 2010 | Oct 2010 | Permit Number: 10-00008761 Permit Type: ROOF/REROOF/ALTER/REPAIR Permit Description: REROOFING/TEAROFF | $15k | Elgin, IL | |
Roofing Services Elgin 2010 | Oct 2010 | Permit Number: 10-00008356 Permit Type: ROOF/REROOF/ALTER/REPAIR Permit Description: REROOFING/TEAROFF | $8k | Elgin, IL | |
Roofing Services Elgin 2010 | Oct 2010 | Permit Number: 10-00008758 Permit Type: ROOF/REROOF/ALTER/REPAIR Permit Description: REROOFING/TEAROFF | $15k | Elgin, IL |