Debbie's Paintbrush

Painter - Dallas, GA

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Kitchen Renovation and living room ceiling

Jul 2014

This was an apartment in Atlanta that was updated. The kitchen had a complete renovation. (Sorry, I don't have any pics of it completely done, because the appliances were put in after I was gone.) I painted the ceiling, walls, and trim (baseboard, windows, and door jamb) in the kitchen. In the living room I painted the ceiling which had been patched from a leak.


Atlanta, GA

Stair and entrance repaint

Oct 2014

Stair repaint.

Acworth, GA

Bedroom Repaint

Oct 2014

Bedroom repaint.

Marietta, GA

Bedroom color change

Jun 2014

A teenagers room that went from lime green with white trim, to bright red with black trim. It took 3 coats to cover the green with the red. I didn't get "before" pictures.

Marietta, GA

Laundry Room

Mar 2014

A laundry room that was just blah. Now it's a pleasant space to fold laundry

Dallas, GA

Coat of Arms

Jan 2014

2 Coat of arms painted on glass. These were a pictorial representation of the daughters interests designed into coats of arms. They went into leaded glass windows in the parent's library, and will be handed down in later years. Shipped to Texas. Designed and painted by Debbie.

Dallas, GA

Living Room

May 2008

This living room was made inviting by adding some color and warm decor.

Gladewater, TX

Master Bedroom

Oct 2007

This person wanted to create a peaceful resting place. It was a funny coincidence that the color picked was called "Restful"!

Acworth, GA

Bedroom Faux

Feb 2015

The bedroom was just off white, and the home owner wanted to make it "relaxing but glamorous". She had seen striping on Pinterest and wanted to create something similar in a mauve tone. We met to go over colors, and I suggested just striping the wall at the head of the bed.

Marietta, GA