Real Estate Professional - Hudson, WI
Your source for homes in St. Croix, Polk, & Pierce Counties in Wisconsin or Washington, Dakota, Anoka, Chisago, & Ramsey Counties in Minnesota. I specialize in Foreclosed/REO Properties, Short Sales, Relocation Properties, Lake Homes, First Time Home Buyers, & Investment Properties. I am an approved HUD Listing Broker if you are looking for a HUD foreclosure listing please check out the following websites: Hud Home Store Matt Martin Real Estate Management In today's competitive real estate market, timing is everything. Many good homes are sold before they are ever advertised. Beat other homebuyers to the hottest new homes for sale in Twin Cities Metro Area along with Western Wisconsin. Connect with me on Facebook for more great information about the Real Estate World. Search for listings below.
23 years in business
411 2nd St
Hudson, WI 54016