Straight Edge Painting & Construction Services

Painter - Kalamazoo, MI

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Drywall job

Feb 2014

Stray dog ran into the wall and put a hole in the wall, had to replace the dry wall with a new sheet over top the damage.


Kalamazoo, MI

Faucet repair

Feb 2014

Replaced a faucet because the handle had been broken off. I had to replace the entire faucet because the old one was not repairable.


Kalamazoo, MI

Plumbing job

Feb 2014

There was a plumbing issue where the main drainage was plugged, so I had to go in and snaked the pipe to clear it from debris.


Kalamazoo, MI

Bathroom job

Feb 2014

the toilet would not flush so I went in and fixed the problem within the system.


Kalamazoo, MI

House remodel

Feb 2014

rehab apartment work (from gutted to framed walls and drywalling). Then finished up by painting when all done.

Grand Rapids, MI