Asphalt & Paving Contractor - Kingsport, TN
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34 years in business
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Mark W.
Came home to find construction equipment parked in my driveway while they were refinishing my neighbors'. Thought, hm... pretty ballsey... but ok. Asked them to move so I could get in and didn't think much of it. And guys I live on a busy double yellow line road and they had equipment all over the place and no flagger or cones or signs. Nothing. Later on, more equipment in driveway, thought "ok, wish they would have asked but hey do what you gotta do on this road." Kept my eye on them and finally drew the line when they literally started INTENTIONALLY DUMPING THEIR SCRAP ASPHALT ON TOP OF MY DRIVEWAY and I ran out to stop them before they dumped the whole bucket. Bobcat driver was not surprised that I was irate and told supervisor to come "deal with me." Supervisor literally tells me its not a big deal since its a gravel driveway so it doesn't matter, blah blah blah but I'll sweep it up. I say no, you cant sweep it up because its tar and chip and the equipment will damage my driveway. Tells me it's not a tar and chip driveway and starts scuffing his feet on it and says this is just crush and run there's no tar under here I didn't hurt anything. 6mo pregnant wife comes out to get pictures, starts screaming at her saying "I DONT GIVE A SH*T! TAKE DOWN MY NAME AND NUMBER I DONT GIVE A SH*T" waving his shirt that says Bracken Paving. I look out again later and they have the sweeper on my driveway, once again have to run out saying stop, nope, your done after they scraped the surface rocks off of my not-tar-and-chip driveway exposing the tar that's underneath. He sarcastically says no, hes gonna get "every last bit." I called Bracken to speak to a supervisor, well ladies and gentlemen come to find out I wont be hearing back because the guy who cussed my wife is in fact the OWNER/OPERATOR of Bracken Paving, Spencer Mckenzie, the guy who "Doesn't give a Sh*t" about your driveway. Alan Bracken, this is who you sold your company out to? Used to be a great company...
PO Box 5952
Kingsport, TN 37663