ASI Plumbing

Plumber - Louisville, KY

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based on 4,648 online reviews

Average rating




based on 4,648 online reviews
based on 4,648 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Louisville Plumbing

Aug 2010

Install 40 gallon electric water heater and ran 40 feet of hot and cold water lines


Louisville, KY

Louisville Plumbing

Aug 2010

Run up to 60 feet of trench line and tie on to existing line rough backfill only landscaping to be done by others


Louisville, KY

Louisville Plumbing

Aug 2010

Installed 40 gallon gas water heater 6 year warranty on tank


Louisville, KY

Louisville Plumbing

Aug 2010

Ran large cable up to 100 feet and pulled toilet stoppage was outside under ground


Louisville, KY

Louisville Plumbing

Aug 2010

Snaked main line from stack clean out in laundry room in walkout basement. Encountered rough spot 30 feet out near clean- out in crawl space. Dug up and replaced clean out and 6 foot section of main.


Louisville, KY

Louisville Plumbing

Aug 2010

Installed free standing laundry sink and grease trap. Piped drain, vent, and water.Still need to extend vent through roof.


Louisville, KY

Louisville Plumbing

Aug 2010

Replaced two lavatory faucets with pop ups and also replaced kitchen sink faucet owner supplied fixtures.


Louisville, KY

Horse Trough Addition

Apr 2012

Built horse trough.

Louisville, KY

Crestwood Plumbing

Aug 2010

Installed 2 owner supplied fixtures


Crestwood, KY