Wallpaper Perfect

Interior Designer - Macon, GA


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1 review

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Zaxby's office

Mar 2015

Install seven 54" vinyl wallpaper panels. Each panel has to be overlapped 2 inches and cut to create a flush seam. All materials needed for this job: Ladder, drop cloths, screw drivers for removing face plates and other attached fixtures, smoothing tools, snap-off utility knife and several snap-off blades, drywall scraping tool or taping knife for trimming, levels, heavy duty clear wallpaper paste, paste brush, sponges, soap and water for clean-up.

Macon, GA

Accent Walls!

Jun 2015

Installs were in 3 rooms. My customer wanted accent walls in the hallway, basement apartment, and child's bath. Materials needed for this job: Ladder, drop cloths, levels, smoothing tools, drywall scraper or taping knife for trimming, snap-off utility knife and several snap-off blades, wallpaper paste, paste brush, tape measure, sponges, soap and water for clean-up

Macon, GA