Divine Fencing L.L.C.

Fence Contractor - Monroe, NC

Average rating




based on 356 online reviews

Average rating




based on 356 online reviews
based on 356 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Custom 4ft Fence

Jul 2016

This customer changed his mind at the last minute and wanted me to build a fence that looked like his front deck. Not only did it come out beautiful but the quality and build style exceed that of the front deck. He was very pleased.


Monroe, NC

Split Rail

Jun 2016

Fun split rail with two 4ft. Gates, also has the wire mess running along the inside.


Monroe, NC

Add on home

Jun 2016

This Was a good job, the man wanted me to add this privacy fence to his split rail that was already there. He was very pleased.


Charlotte, NC

Landlords home

May 2016

This is a recent job for one of my landlords homes. Just a simple 6ft pine privacy fence with the pickets staggered to allow wind to flow through. Fun job and another happy customer. This was 220 ft.


Monroe, NC

Hill Fence

Apr 2016

I enjoyed this job, it had it challenges being both side were strait up a steep hill. However it came out beautiful and the homeowner is pleased. That's all that matters.


Monroe, NC

Hill Fence

Apr 2016

This was a bit of a challenge with such a steep hill to go up. But we did a great job and the customer was very happy. We used the simple 6 ft pine picket with space for air flow. Fun fence install.


Monroe, NC