Dave's Painting Service

Painter - Noblesville, IN

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based on 30 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Kelnhofer @ Lakeshore Drive East

Aug 2016

After getting accepted for the painting project, we schedule a day to pressure wash the entire house to remove dirt, loose paint and nests. We then caulked all areas of the house that required caulking and fully primed the entire house with PPG's Acri-Shield Bonding Primer. After applying the primer, we finished the siding, trim and boxes around the windows with PPG's Acri-Shield Flat. We repainted the front door and the two garage windows in PPG's Acri-Shield Satin for a more durable finish. This job was completed in August of 2016.


Carmel, IN

Schneider's @ Westfield Farms

Aug 2016

After receiving an ok per our estimate, we scheduled a time for the exterior to be pressure washed and painted. We pressure washed the entire home including the vinyl siding to remove dirt, mildew, nests and loose paint. We fully primed the entire house including the windows. We used PPG's Acri-Shield Bonding Primer to prime everything then use PPG's Acri-Shield Flat on the house and Satin on the windows, doors and shutters.


Carmel, IN

Laguzza's @ Sylvan Ridge

May 2016

After receiving approval from the homeowner, we pressure washed the home to remove dirt, mildew, nests and any loose paint. We started on replacing rotted wood around the house and too out the screen stock on the porch. We oil primed all the cedar wood throughout the house to prevent bleeding from the cedar wood. We then primed all the areas where the paint come loose with Porter Paints Acri-Shield Bonding Primer. We then finished the house two toned with Porter Paints Acri-Shield Flat on the Field and Trim; and finished the windows, doors and shutters with Porter Paints Acri-Shield Satin.


Indianapolis, IN

Maclin's @ Setters Run

Feb 2016

After acceptance from the homeowner, we schedule the painting project. For the cabinets, we removed all cabinet drawers and doors. We then wiped down the doors with denatured alcohol to remove dirt, grime, oil and finger prints. Then we applied a few coats of black gel stain to the cabinet frames, drawers and doors. After the stain cured, we applied Deft Semi-Gloss Sealer. The entry and living room walls were prepared for paint by patch all holes, taped off the baseboard to keep paint from splashing onto the woodwork. We then applied the lighter gray to the walls. After the paint cured (24 hours), we measured the strips (12") and used Frog Tape to create the strips. We then painted the darker gray areas and removed the Frog Tape. All doors in the home were painted PPG Advantage 900 Semi-gloss (Black Magic). This job was completed in February of 2016.


Carmel, IN

Phelps on Oak Ridge Road

Aug 2015

After receiving approval, we scheduled the project for pressure washing. We pressure washed the entire house and shed to remove loose paint, dirt, mildew and insect nests. When the pressure washing was complete, we started caulking all areas of the home and shed that required caulking and also scrapped off all the loose paint. Then we sprayed the entire house with PPG's Acri-Shield Bonding Primer. Because the house was two-toned, we had to use two different colored primers. After all the caulking and priming was complete, we finished the house and shed in PPG's Acri-Shield Flat Paint. The homeowners wanted some accent on the exterior of the home so we provided that service about the garage door and a couple roof pitches. For the front door, we cleaned the door with denatured alcohol then applied one dark grey coat of Acri-Shield Bonding Primer. Then we finished the door with two coats of Sherwin Williams All Purpose Satin Paint. The homeowners were very happy with our crew so much they gave them $20 and a gift certificate to a local brewery.


Carmel, IN

Wiley @ Wellington North Noblesville

Aug 2015

After receiving approval from the homeowners, we scheduled the project to be pressure washed. We pressure washed the entire home to removed dirt, loose paint, mildew and insects off the home. The homeowners selected two new colors to be applied on their home. We primed the dark brown areas of the home first with PPG's Acri-Shield Bonding Primer then primed the lighter areas next. After all priming and caulking was complete, we finished the home with PPG's AcriShield Finish Flat. The brown is Cuppa Coffee and the light trim is 150% of PPG's Ash.


Noblesville, IN

Pitz at Bayhill

Jul 2015

After receiving an okay from the homeowners, we pressure washed the entire home to remove dirt, mildew and bee's nest. We also pressure washed the window well and small fence to prepare for stain. After pressure washing, we applied Porter Paints Acri-Shield Bonding Primer to any exposed wood and around 16 windows that we were painting. We then sprayed on the finish coat with Acri-Shield Flat to the gutters, downspouts, chimney, siding and garage doors. We finished the windows and doors with a satin finish. We then applied Porter Paints Acri-Shield Solid Color Stain in "Russet" to the small fence and window well. The Homeowners are very happy with the color of the repaint because we matched a sample piece of their new windows and now all the windows are the same color!


Carmel, IN

McNeeley Cabinet Painting

Jul 2015

After receiving approval from the homeowners to paint their cabinets, we started disassembling the hardware from the cabinet doors and drawers. We caulked all the crown molding and other area that needed caulk. Then we primed all doors, drawers and cabinets with Benjamin Moore's Aqua Lock Primer. After 24 hours, we sanded all the primed area's then applied the finish with Benjamin Moore's Advance Semi-Gloss.


Carmel, IN

Small in Springmill Streams

Jun 2015

After receiving approval from the homeowner, we prepared all the stain for painting. We sanded all the stained trim, cabinets, doors and beams then cleaned off the dust with the shop vac and damp rag. We caulked all the baseboard to the wall and caulked the ceiling beams as well. After the stain was prepared, we primed all the stained wood with Seal Grip Primer. After we primed the stained, we sanded the primer finish for a nice smooth surface for the finish coat. After the primer coat was finished for the finishing coat, we sprayed Porter Paints Advantage 900 Semi-gloss over the primer for a finishing coat. For the brick, we primed the brick by spraying Porter Paints Exterior Bonding Primer. After the primer dried, we sprayed two coats of Porter Paints Advantage 900 Semi-gloss as finish to match the rest of the room. Homeowners are very happy with the finish and have scheduled us to come back to paint other bedrooms.


Carmel, IN