Landscaping Company - Olathe, KS
Helping Johnson County's Older Adults with with Residential Grounds Maintenance
18 years in business
Tiffany W.
A typical day at HFAF consisted of everyone starting at 7am, you get with your team and GO!!! Masks are required of course! Depending on what team you're with - mowing or multi team - each day is something new and different. Never a dull moment! I learned a lot about biological practices being on multi team a lot including; weeding, pruning, shrub trimming, small tree trimming, topsoil, mulch, and even mowing. Company Culture is the most important aspect at Help From A Friend, if you're not skilled or knowledgeable with landscaping and horticulture that's ok they'll train you. Their main focus is behavior and is frequently discussed with each employee through reviews and performance reviews. I respected this bc of the constructive criticism and feedback to make me better. This is a company I trust bc when I started I knew nothing and they took me under their wing and made me a part of the team.
Jennifer A.
I found out about this company through a mutual friend that currently still works there. They got their degree in horticulture science and were so knowledgeable. I learned so much about botany, IPM, and biological cultural practices. I decided as well to get my degree and start my career in the hort. field. Most likely will be coming back to work here after I graduate.
Bryan M.
Studying business in college as well as leadership helped me become a Team Lead at HFAF. If you have no experience in landscaping or horticulture, that's totally fine. HFAF is all about their culture and behavior! Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. I learned these in my leadership classes and this company mirrors them perfectly! Got to have a strong core first before all the moving parts around it can function. Blessed with the knowledge I learned here, in business and in horticulture. Would highly recommend Help From A Friend if you're looking to make good relationships, learn about business/life, and feel like you have a sense of purpose - changing one landscape at a time :)
Toni R.
I've never done a physically demanding job before, so when I joined the team I was a little nervous I wasn't going to be able to succeed. I was wrong! Even though there was some things I couldn't lift or do, my teammates were always there to give a hand. I never felt out of place or alienated! I learned so much from my supervisors about customer service, horticulture, and hard work. I am now in a career that I studied for in college but anyone looking for a great environment to work in, HFAF is the place to be!
PO Box 1187
Olathe, KS 66051