Attention to Detail Services

Handyman - Perrysburg, OH


4 reviews


4 reviews

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Ragan-Woods Deck Renewal

Oct 2014

On this project I had to come up with an economic, yet long-lasting solution to a customers' aging back porch/deck.


Toledo, OH

Morrison Window Job

Oct 2014

Replaced old wood windows with triple pane vinyl windows. Also replaced old wooden green shutters with new white vinyl shutters.


Fremont, OH

Harrison Bow Upgrade

Oct 2014

Removal of old gridded bow window and replace with four modern vinyl windows with gridding. Very unique, but no problem to accomplish.


Perrysburg, OH

Woodland Window Replacement

Oct 2014

Customer had just purchased home and intends to flip it. A couple of new windows will not only update the look of the house, but will save $$$ on energy bills too.


Sylvania, OH

Rudolph storm door switch-out

Oct 2014

Replaced storm door on customers garage with a half-view entry door.


Rudolph, OH

Sylvania Light Project

Oct 2014

Change exterior light fixture, eliminated family room door and placed windows in framed opening, also removed old siding on part of home and replaced with new.


Sylvania, OH

Clyde Windows and Storm Door

Oct 2014

Replaced 4 windows and installed a storm door on the front entrance of home.


Clyde, OH

Ann Arbor Window Upgrade

Oct 2014

Removal of old wood windows and installation of end-vent sliders.


Ann Arbor, MI

Bonniebrook Handrails

Oct 2014

I installed two stainless steel grab bars into the master shower for ease of access. I also changed the old shower head for a 7-function hand-shower. In the staircase leading to the 2nd floor I added a hand stained and urethaned oak handrail for aid in climbing.


Sylvania, OH