Home Organizer - Plano, TX
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Professional Organizer: Residential organizing - entire home or wherever you need help. Kitchen and pantry, master, wardrobe, linen, and other closets. Laundry, garage, attics, kids rooms, play rooms, bathroom, utility, . Other areas? Just ask! Paperwork - decluttering, file creation and maintenance, & home office organizing. Moving & remodels - services include downsizing, packing, unpacking and organizing entire home. Kitchens, china and other breakables are a specialty.
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John S.
I recently experienced a substantial home disaster (in my humble opinion). Back at the beginning of December 2015 (while in the middle of preparing the house for Christmas.) At some point during the day while I was at work, my water heater burst and flooded my entire house. If you’ve ever had any type of flood, you can understand the amount of damage and clean-up required to get yourself and your household back to its pre-flood shape. My entire house needed thorough drywall repair, it needed to be entirely repainted, wood floors in 2 rooms needed to be replaced, and the entire remainder of the house needed to be re-carpeted. I lived in a hotel with my dog for 2 months while I was getting the work completed. Now that’s what I call an adventure. Because of the flooding, the house was in tremendous disarray. Now, let me mention, I’m kind of a pack rat, so I tend to accumulate a fair amount of stuff. And being the pack rat that I am, parting with my stuff is not the easiest thing to do. So you need to imagine an already cluttered house, now in even worse shape. When the flooding was discovered, immediately following shutting off the water we quickly began to move things away from the flooded areas to salvage what we could. So my previous clutter became this mound of stuff piled wherever possible. I’ll be honest – it was pretty painful for me at that moment, water still pouring from above, and the sound of squishy carpet as I moved through the house examining what had happened and starting to try and recover, nothing where it should be, the site of these piles of my things was just overwhelming. My previous hoarding and lack of structure, now exacerbated by the introduction of a river in my house was almost too much for me to handle. I personally added to the flood as I cried a little standing there looking over my home in a shambles. Reconstruction comes with a price and things got worse before they got better. Drywall repair came first, followed by painting. The drywall and painting folks needed to move things away from walls to complete their work, furthering the overall jumble of insanity my home had become. But once that was all done, I was down to the final phase – getting the carpeting installed. And as I said before, that requires a lot of preparation. Every room that needs to be carpeted also needs to be empty. They can’t remove, install, and stretch carpet in rooms full of disorganized mess. To my great fortune, I was lucky enough to come across Nancy. Nancy was beyond invaluable in helping me get ready. I had a very short timeline to complete the preparations for the carpeting, which involved moving all my furniture and virtually everything else out of every carpeted room. Under normal circumstances this would be a huge effort, but with my house in its current state and me an unrelenting pack rat, it was practically an insurmountable task. I didn’t even know where to start. As I mentioned, it’s hard for me to let go of things. Why get rid of something today when I can hold on to it indefinitely. You may not understand how compelling it can be for me to keep things; often times things that just don’t make sense to keep around, but it is a very real compulsion. Buried within my new world of disarray was a tremendous amount of clutter. Every room had its share, so much old and useless paperwork, home décor and keepsakes in every room. Like I said – it was mind boggling and I just didn’t know how or where to start. But the clock was ticking as I already had an appointment to get the carpeting installed. So I had to get going fast. Nancy came in and helped me consolidate everything, and I mean everything. We talked and she provided incredible direction and support. She worked with me to identify and categorize the whole lot and then temporarily box everything so that I could easily maximize my available floor space for temporary storage of all of the furniture and other items I needed to move in order to get the carpet installed. I can’t tell you how amazing it was. In a short period of time she was able to help me clean and move the furniture from 10 rooms and closets into the available space I had that was not being carpeted. And yes I did say “clean” as well. Even though the workers had covered things, everything was permeated by a light layer of dust from the 2 months the house was being worked on. Her rational made sense, clean it now to avoid tracking dirt from room to room, and bringing it into my newly carpeted rooms. And she didn’t stop with the categorization. How and when the items were moved into the other rooms was planned as well. It was done so that once the carpet was laid I could move back the most important items first. While moving and categorizing, she also encouraged and motivated. It’s not easy for me to organize and eliminate. I’ve spent years accumulating. My closet was full – and the sad thing was it was full of stuff I never wore, nor would ever wear. By the end of the whole experience, I found myself invigorated. Nancy was able to help me get rid of years worth of old clothes, computers and electronics, old paper that needed to be shredded, and many things I had saved over the years that was no longer valuable nor important to me. It was like a tremendous weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I had wanted to do this for so many years, but just could not get myself motivated to do it. With Nancy’s help, encouragement, and impeccable advice I was able to turn what started as a physical and emotional tragedy and turn it into an incredible experience to free myself from the cluttered world I enclosed myself in over the years. I haven’t stopped there though. I’m working with Nancy still. My goal is to complete my transition. I can’t tell you how good it feels to come home after a long hard day and see a new and refreshed home. And my kids love it too. I’m truly looking forward to living a more organized and streamlined life. Thank you Nancy so much for your help, motivation, and support. I would recommend you in a heartbeat to anyone who needs an organizer. My only wish is that I had done it before I had a flood that forced me to.
3220 Sailmaker Ln
Plano, TX 75023
Photo | Project | Date | Description | Cost | Home |
dallas, reorganizatoin following a remodel/ongoing project | Mar 2015 | This client and her family moved out of their home during a whole-house remodel and recently returned. Several areas were in disarray and needed to be reorganized. We moved everything to its proper room, organized the kitchen, home office, laundry room, storage area, dining room, master bath, and family photos. We still have work to do in the garage and fine-tuning other areas of the home. I have known and worked with this client for several years and previously assisted with organizing the kitchen and other rooms after move. When the children were younger, I organized their bedrooms and play areas as well as assisting the homeowner with setting up and maintaining her home filing system | $800 | Dallas, TX | |
dallas whole-house organization | Mar 2015 | This project is still in progress. The client wants to clear the clutter from every closet and room of the house, including the garage. We usually work about 5 hours each time we get together. So far we've done the office, guest room closet, craft closet, media drawers, the kitchen, pantry and butler's pantry, and the china cabinet. Sometimes a room can be done in one session and sometimes more than one area is de-cluttered. My client has an easy time getting rid of the excess, which makes the process go more quickly. The last big area we will organize is the garage and holiday decorations. As we progress, we identify types of storage containers that will make the most sense for storing the items that are kept. We will be doing some labeling of certain items and purchasing additional containers as needed. We will also be hiring a company to remove all the bulky items that are no longer useful. | $1k | Dallas, TX | |
Southlake, Ongoing project to organize whole house | Mar 2015 | I'm currently working with the homeowner to go through all the major areas of her home and get them organized. Due to busy lifestyle and many responsibilities, this homeowner has delayed this project until recently. We started by going through papers, photos, books, magazines, craft and office supplies, and keepsakes. We've sorted by category and thrown away, recycled or donated much of the rest. We've cleared areas that were causing the homeowner stress and have gathered like items so that we can do more organizing once all the similar things have been gathered and consolidated. We'll be working on the garage, master closet, laundry room and bedrooms over time. This has really helped the homeowner to feel peace of mind. | $1k | Southlake, TX | |
Prosper, garage organization after relocation from another state | Mar 2015 | After relocating to Dallas, this family's garage was coved wall-to-wall with boxes, bins, shelves, exercise equipment, tools and furniture. There was no room to park a car. The homeowner and I moved the exercise equipment to another area and began organizing over 30 plastic bins into categories and stacking them against the walls so there was room to navigate. We consolidated items to reduce the number of containers, filled the car with donations, and filled several bags of trash to be taken offsite. After our organizing session the homeowner was able to bring several containers inside where she could concentrate on one category at a time and go through them at her convenience. During our second organizing session we concentrated on going through old papers and files. The outdated ones were recycled or shredded, and the rest were integrated into the existing system. We also created new file folders, gathered all tax documents to store together, and created an area for office supplies. We also went through boxes of framed photos and removed the pictures that would no longer be displayed. The empty frames were later donated. | $400 | Prosper, TX | |
dallas, recurring organizing maintenance | Feb 2015 | This is a client who relies on me regularly to help keep her home running smoothly. I have worked with her for several years. One of the challenges is too much mail. This busy professional tends to be on the go so much that the paperwork piles up and becomes unmanageable. I help by gathering the mail form various locations, categorizing it, getting rid of junk mail, shredding sensitive documents and filing the important papers. Another area we frequently work on is the bathroom drawers and countertops and clearing the bedroom of items that don't belong there. I also help her with her wardrobe area by hanging clothes and putting away laundry. I have also helped this client with a move, and as a personal assistant. | $250 | Dallas, TX | |
Celina, organize new home | Jan 2015 | Helped a family organize several areas of their new home in Celina. They had lived in temporary housing and some of their belongings had been in storage, so we needed to go through everything to get rid of things they no longer needed before arranged the rest. I helped organize the kitchen and pantry, children's play area and bedrooms. Unpacked and organized master closet for both husband and wife. Unpacked and put away formal dining room china and crystal. Went through several boxes in garage and helped homeowner sort trash, giveaways, and items to be relocated in the house. Helped set up husband's home office book shelves. Helped wife set up her office/craft/gift wrap station. All of these tasks took place over a span of 4 organizing sessions. | $1k | Celina, TX | |
Dallas, organize family with young children | Jan 2015 | I organized this client's kitchen, pantry, and the large playroom. Using the guidelines she provided I was able to organize these areas independently, while this busy homeowner worked from her home office. After completing her project she recommended me to a friend who I will be working with soon. This client was referred by another client with young children | $600 | Dallas, TX | |
Prosper, getting settled 6 months after a move | Oct 2014 | This homeowner who has a physical ailment needed help organizing several areas of her home after a move. The boxes had been packed haphazardly and there were several remaining, filling the dining room. We painstakingly went through each box, sorting by room, person and function. We filled several boxes with donations and put the rest in the rooms where they belonged. Over 3 sessions we cleared out the dining room, organized the large kitchen and kitchen-office area, as well as many small tasks throughout the house. | $850 | Prosper, TX | |
Las Colinas, Master closet, bathroom and bedroom chest of drawers | Sep 2014 | This client works from home and has a baby under a year old. She desperately needed help organizing her master bathroom cupboards and supply closet. While my client worked from home I sorted through everything. I made piles for items I needed her input on and then contained and reorganized everything, including a supply closet full of toiletries, medicines, and beauty products. On a subsequent visit I reorganized her master closet, rearranged the layout to allow her to find and use her clothing, shoes, and accessories without having to search and dig. I reorganized the downstairs entry closet and got shoes off the floor and onto racks. | $500 | Irving, TX |