top notch interiors

Painting Company - Richmond, VA

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based on 103 online reviews
based on 103 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Richmond 2nd floor balcony fire restoration.

Dec 2015

A 2nd floor balcony caught on fire. The ceiling, box beam, hand rails and floor was replaced with new wood. We removed all the old paint off of the wood that was damaged by smoke and heat. We used a special diamond tooth grinder that was hooked up to a vacuum with special filters because we were unsure of the paint layers underneath. It was an old building and we were afraid there might of been lead paint used years ago. The gable and dental molding had smoke damage so we used a special alcohol primer so the smoke would never bleed through. The new wood was primed . All columns, hand rails, box beams, dental molding and the gable was painted with a white exterior semi-gloss. The 1st floor ceiling was existing so we sanded the sealer off and we stained the ceiling with a penetrating oil stain along with the new ceiling on the 2nd floor. After drying we applied a sealer. Then the hand rails on 1 and 2 were painted green.The band around the 2nd floor balcony we painted green also along with the storm doors. The floor on the 2nd floor balcony was new so we sanded the floor down so the floor paint would adhere to the floor better. 2 coats of a grey porch and floor paint were applied.


Richmond, VA

Mechanicsville Color Change

Apr 2015

i changed the colors in a lot of her rooms in the house


Mechanicsville, VA

Richmond drywall repair and paint

Mar 2015

toar out old drywall and replaced new drywall and insulation and painted.


Richmond, VA

new house

Sep 2014

we hung and finished drywall in a new house 5 days then we painted it 1 week


Richmond, VA

adding arches

Jul 2014

this homeowner wanted arches in 2 of her entrance ways.


Hanover, VA

Colonial Heights Water Damage

May 2014

water ruined the ceiling and part of the drywall on the walls


Colonial Heights, VA

Mechanicsville water damage repair

Mar 2014

There was water damage and the tape was peeling. I removed the damaged drywall and put new drywall up. I painted the rest of the ceiling with a shellac primer to cover any water stains that might come through down the road. Finished the new drywall and painted.


Mechanicsville, VA

Mechanicsville wallpaper and chair rail

Nov 2015

I Put new chair rail up in the entry way and put wallpaper under the chair rail. Caulked and painted the chair rail.


Mechanicsville, VA

ashton winery

Jan 2015

hanging drywall and finishing


Chester, VA