J&M Services

Painter - San Angelo, TX

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Harris Avenue Home Rennovation

Jul 2014

Customer had purchased her new home and was unsatisfied with the out of date 50's style pink and baby blue tile still existing in the bathroom... She hired us to demolish existing walls and replace with new tile.... After demolition of the walls we discovered some jerry rigged plumbing that could cause major problems in the future and we quickly re plumbed the hot water lines to the sink and bathtub fixtures.... After demolition was complete we installed new sheet rock correcting framing problems as needed... after the sheet rock was in place we installed new floor and wall tile also installing new up to date light and tub fixtures as well as a new sink and vanity... Then we textured and painted the new walls and our last step was to completely refinish the cast iron bath tub which was in bad shape and was able to effectively save our customer the cost of purchasing a new tub and having it installed... This project took a week to complete and customer was very pleased with her new bathroom!


San Angelo, TX

Hillside Drive Paint Job

May 2014

Custom Faux Finish was applied to both the entertainment room and guest bedroom ceilings... Crown Molding was installed in both bedrooms as well... Due to the pitch of the vaulted ceiling in the entertainment room custom decorative plinthe blocks were fabricated to complete crown molding installation... Custom blinds and interior decorations were also installed to achieve customers satisfaction with rooms..


San Angelo, TX