Window World Tx

Window Replacement & Installation Company - San Antonio, TX

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Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







San Antonio 2013

Oct 2013

Permit Number: 1886143 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (DETACHED) NEW New 2 story residence w/ an attached garage./RqSM.// BLK 2, LOT 36, NCB 19105. ZONED:R6 ERZD. V.9565, P.180. PLAT#2003000452. UD FORM, 2009 RESCHECK REPORT, AND IB100-OPTION 2 ON FILE. FRAMING PLANS CERTIFIED BY ENGINEER. (*) Two (2) - 2' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required for 38% residential Tree Canopy requirements (udc 35-523(e)A.) prior to final inspection (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under turf grass. [**] Approved A1, No Trees on Property, verified by Aerial Photo, Planting One (1) 2' Oak Tree in additon to the Two (2) required Trees, for a total of three (3) Trees to meet Canopy Requirements.[**] 3/25/2013 RE 06/6/13 - customer notified...plans in 'G' bin..jgarcia *** Plans picked up by John on 07/01/2013 ***


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

Oct 2013

Permit Number: 1900826 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (DETACHED) NEW lot 41 blk 51 unit1 2 story 3 bedroom 2.5 bath 2 car garage.// SFR WITH ATTACHED GARAGE. ZONED:R5 AHOD. VOL.9578, P.31. PLAT#2006000783. UD FORM, 2009 RESCHECK REPORT, AND IB100-OPTION 2 ON FILE. ENGINEERED WALL PANELS AND TRUSSES. ***Requesting After Hours*** (*) Two (2) - 2' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required for 38% residential Tree Canopy requirements (udc 35-523(e)A.) prior to final inspection (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under turf grass. [**]Approved per A/P 1308115 & A/P 1301746 - MASTER TREE PERMIT - see comment tab for additional information[**]RE **08/01/2013-Notified Veronica plan is ready for pick up, located in bin 'KB'./RqSM**


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

Sep 2013

Permit Number: 1886146 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (DETACHED) NEW new 1 sty sfr.// BLK 24, LOT 17, NCB 10879. ZONED:R4. VOL.9632, P.145. PLAT#2010000130. UD FORM, 2009 RESCHECK REPORT, AND IB100-OPTION 2 ON FILE. ENGINEERED FRAMING PLANS. (*) Two (2) - 1.5' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required for 38% residential Tree Canopy requirements (UDC 35-523(e)A.) prior to final inspection (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under turf grass. [**]Approved A1 - no trees on property - verified with aerial photo[**]RE 06/04/13 - Customer notified...plans in builder bin...jgarcia


San Antonio, TX


Aug 2013

Permit Number: 1900406 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (ATTACHED NEW lot 106 blk 10 unit 9 2 story 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage. Zone R5. UD and energy report on file. Residential plan certification statement submitted. Lintel letter submitted with plans. *** Requesting After Hours *** (*) Two (2) or more -2' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required prior to final inspection. (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under new turf grass. [**]Approved A1 - no trees on property verified with aerial photo - in addition to the two required trees planting an additional tree for a total of 3 - 2' trees[**] **07/30/13-Notified plan is ready for pick up, located in bin 'KB'.RqSM** *** Plans picked up by Vero on 07/31/2013 ***


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

May 2013

Permit Number: 1876250 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (ATTACHED NEW new construction 2 Stry SFR with attached garage. Zone R4. UD and energy report on file. Residential plan certification statement submitted. Lintel letter submitted with plans. *** Requesting After Hours *** (*) Two (2) -1.5' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required prior to final inspection. (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under new turf grass. [**] Approved A1 - No trees on property, verified with Aerial Photo - per submittal besides plantting the 2 required trees planting an additional 3 tress for a total of 5 trees planted.[**]RE *** 04/19/13, Notified Jason that plan is ready for pick up, plan is in bin 'M', O.R. ***


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

Jun 2013

Permit Number: 1858601 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (DETACHED) NEW New construction - single family residence/2 STY SFR WITH ATTACHED GARAGE **MCF** Zone NP 10. UD and REM/RATE on file. Residential plan certification statement submitted. *** REQUESTING AFTER HOURS *** (*) Two (2) or more -1.5' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required prior to final inspection. (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under new turf grass. [**] Per A/P 1380258 - ASHLEY COURT/A2, 2006 compliance APPROVED BY 7/16/07 [**] *** 02/25/13, Notified Debra that plan is ready for pick up, plan is in bin 'T', O.R. *** Permit fee is $25,137.37 pending


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2012

Jan 2013

Permit Number: 1840462 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (DETACHED) NEW NEW 2 STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE W/ FRNT PORCH, CVRD REAR PATIO & ATTACHED 3-CAR GARAGE.// BLK 40, LOT 60, NCB 16835 (*) Two (2) or more - 1.5' Medium to Large trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required for 38% residential Tree Canopy requirements (udc 35-523(e)A.) prior to final inspection. (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under new turf grass. (**) UD & IECC forms on file, Zone R-6 PUD MSAO-1 Vol:9632 Pg:201, IB 100 SBMTD OPT# 2. *** 11/05/12, Notified George that plan is ready for pick up, plan is in bin 'M', O.R. *** Permit fee is $1365.40 pending


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2012

Jan 2013

Permit Number: 1849317 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (ATTACHED EXISTG 1 STY ATTACHED ADDITION TO REAR OF EXISTING RES/To comply with UDC and IRC/ Not to build over any easements/ Home Owner aware of Engineers Letter for foundation/ Home Owner given What's Next handout.-**MCF** 12/07/2012 PAST DUE LETTER SENT 07/01/2013 PAST DUE LETTER SENT 06/02/2013


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2012

Oct 2012

Permit Number: 1816900 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (ATTACHED EXISTG 1435 SQ.FT. ATTACHED GARAGE ON EXIST CONCRETE FND TO LEFT SIDE OF EXIST 1 STORY FAM RES NOT TO GO OVER ANY EASEMENT TO COMPLY W/IRC & UDC/NOTE: OWNER KNOWS TO BRING ENGINEERS LTR OF FND INSPECTION///RSM--NO TREE//// *** 08/29/12, Called Janet at 3:47 p.m. left message that plan is ready for pick up, plan is in bin 'Z', O.R. *** Permit fee is $743.08 PENDING


San Antonio, TX