Plumbworks, Inc.

HVAC Contractor - San Francisco, CA

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Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







San Francisco 2014

Mar 2014

Permit Number: 201402118244 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: 1 FAMILY DWELLING Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans Install Partial New FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PER NFPA 13D and convert 1-1/2' domestic service to a 1-1/2' comb fire service with 1-1/2' meter. Install 6 sprinklers in ground floor hallway office and bathroom. Install one sprinkler in garage near riser. Ref PA #2013.0515.6976


San Francisco, CA

Fire Alarm Installation San Francisco 2013

Nov 2013

Permit Number: 201309247553 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: APARTMENTS Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans PH2D:RELOCATE FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS IN EXTG SYSTEM 24 HEADS. REF APP#201307232600


San Francisco, CA

San Francisco 2013

Oct 2013

Permit Number: 201309247555 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: WORKSHOP COMMERCIAL Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans RELOCATE 2 HEADS FOR BATHROOMS. BLDG APP#201308214930


San Francisco, CA

San Francisco 2013

Oct 2013

Permit Number: 201309257727 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: APARTMENTS Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans REVISOION TO PA# 2013-0626-0498-STUDY AT 2ND FLOOR CHANGED BACK TO STORAGE DUE TO DIFFERENT DEMAND 1 1/2 SUPPLY HAS TO BE RUN TO 2ND FLOOR


San Francisco, CA

Fire Alarm Installation San Francisco 2013

Oct 2013

Permit Number: 201309237437 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: 1 FAMILY DWELLING Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans INSTALL NEW FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM THROUGHOUT INCLUDES 2' DEDICATED FIRE SERVICE METER. 261 HEADS. REF PA #2012.03.07.5548


San Francisco, CA

San Francisco 2013

Sep 2013

Permit Number: 201306260498 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: APARTMENTS Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans INSTALL NFPA 13R FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM with new 2' combo fire service IN NEW AREA (Entire Unit to be sprinklered unless the new areas is fire separated for existing residenbtial units) BASED ON 201304033707 CONSISTING OF 12 HEADS


San Francisco, CA

Fire Alarm Installation San Francisco 2013

Sep 2013

Permit Number: 201307031057 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: 1 FAMILY DWELLING Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans NEW FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 13-D FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOME 51 HEADS 1 1/2' COMBINATION WATER SERVICE


San Francisco, CA

San Francisco 2013

Aug 2013

Permit Number: 201306260497 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: 1 FAMILY DWELLING Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans Installation of an NFPA-13 fire sprinkler system within a 4-story R-3 consisting of 123 heads w/new 2-inch dedicated fire service to be installed by others under a separate permit.


San Francisco, CA

San Francisco 2013

Aug 2013

Permit Number: 201308214821 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: 1 FAMILY DWELLING Additions, Alterations or Repairs-'I'Occupancy with no Plans FIRE SPRINKLER WATER SERVICE 2'. FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT #201306260497


San Francisco, CA