Archaeo Architects

Architect - Santa Fe, NM

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Galisteo Basin Preserve

Jul 2013

The first prerequisite in designing this home within the Galisteo Basin Preserve was to respect the land. When all was said and done, it was our hope the house would become one with the landscape; all else follows after that. So the siting of the house was critical to the success of the design. The property affords a number of excellent views to the distant horizon, and like many settings in the southwest; there is a low lying horizontality to the topography. As such, we intentionally wanted to express that in the architecture. The northern portion of the house is carved down into the land several feet, to express that the structure is deeply rooted to the earth. After an extensive study of the site, it became apparent there were three primary views and one quadrant that required a shielding from the predominant northwest winter winds. The result was a pinwheel design wherein the central core contains the primary rooms. Secondary functions are spaced out along four primary walls, which slide out into and engage the landscape, while at the same time framing the significant views the Ortiz and Sandia Mountains to the southwest, Cathedral Hill and the Sangre de Christo Mountains to the northeast and the panorama of Galisteo basin to the southeast. Since the northwest side receives the brunt of the winds and its views are modest, we placed the vehicular access in this location. The architecture is intentionally shut down and fortress-like on this side of the house with very few openings, adding mystery to the approach sequence. It is only after one has entered the house that views are gradually and generously revealed. The house and landscape intertwine. The northern portion of the house is carved into the land several feet; to express a rootedness to the earth, while the southern portion rises to meet the panoramic view. The character of the home is distinctly contemporary, which accentuates and focuses attention on the organic features of the land, which are embraced by the architecture. By adhering to, yet abstracting, the underlying principles of the southwestern vernacular, with its lean, almost Zen-like simplicity, the architecture recedes back to allow the views to the natural environment to dominate. The stark contrast between the manmade architecture and natural scenery complement both. An underlying aspect of the house is the significant sustainable building practices that have been implemented, such as roof water harvesting, a 210 panel photovoltaic solar array, a geothermal heating system and a louvered portal roof to control sunlight into the living room. A substantial portion of the property has been left in its natural state, just as it was found and will remain.


Santa Fe, NM