Green Building Service - Seattle, WA
Custom Green Roof Installer on Residential Rooftops and Patios in Western Washington Residential Green Roof Installer - Independent Contractor Call for an introductory meeting and free estimate: (425) 830-3301 The most common Green Roof install method commercial and residential installers utilizes pre-grown 2ftx1ft modules or trays that are simply laid onto a roof membrane. This technique is costly and burdened by unhealthy soils, rich with petro-synthetic fertilizers. What's more, this green roof installation style does not permit the homeowner to take individualistic advantage of their rooftop gardens. Jensen builds your green roof working with you, the soil is a custom designed blend, entirely organic, and lightweight while still bolstering a healthy, nutrient-rich growing substrate. Jensen works with you to handpick the vegetation you want growing in your rooftop garden, at a fraction of the price of what you would pay a conventional green roof company to install. Jensen has worked on countless green roofs and just finished his latest custom install in early May for a multi-million dollar home in Clyde Hill, WA. Graduating with a BA in Environmental Business in Southern California, Jensen specified his area of study towards small eco-house roof design, vegetated roof systems and landscape architecture. Jensen has been working for a Roofing company in Bellevue since 2014 that specializes in live roof installs. Not only do they look spectacular, but green roofs: -Help maintain a constant inside temperature, saving energy costs (houses lose and gain most of their heat from the roof, soil on a roof acts as one of the best insulation mediums), -Green roofs help mitigate excessive storm water run-off with their superior water retention abilities -Green roofs add value to a home -Green Roofs in urban areas help mitigate the heat island effect (most impervious surfaces in urban areas are scalding hot in hot weather, this in turn increases the overall temperature of the surrounding environment. Green roofs stay at a cool, constant temperature) -Green Roofs allow for more developed space on a given plot of land (less impervious surface helps permitting specs)
4909 Green Lake Way N
Seattle, WA 98103
Photo | Project | Date | Description | Cost | Home |
Clyde Hill Green Roof | May 2016 | Custom build enclosure for two patio gardens, install drain board, growing medium and sow rooftop garden. | $3k | Clyde Hill, WA |