Furniture Repair & Refinishing Service - Tulsa, OK
Mark F.
The first couple of pieces he sold for me quickly and at a fair price. His son lived next door to me, a nice young man. So, I left several pieces of furniture with him to sell on consignment. Most of which he never paid me for. Every time I talked to him he’d give me a song and dance about the new owner being in a legal battle. Meanwhile other furniture like an antique sofa was ruined because he placed it in the window. It was perfect when he got it. He kept saying he had it sold to a local retirement center for an expansion. Then he was closed up, gone. Now he’s back again. Don’t trust him!!!
Mark F.
The first thing two things, a table and a lamp, I gave him to sell thee we're no problem. We were downsizing and I gave home several more pieces. A living room suit disappeared and every time I ask him about it for three years he was in litigation, he said, then a beautiful sofa he had of mine was ruined. It was, okay he said, he had it sold to Monterreau. He was just waiting for payment. Nothing ever comes of it. Now he's says he's been kicked out of his lease. Where are all my pieces? Where's the money?
8216 E 41st St
Tulsa, OK 74145