Home Inspector - Waxhaw, NC
• A typical home inspection typically takes two to three hours, and during this time the house is examined from the ground up and from the outside in. • My home inspection includes observation, and when appropriate the operation, of the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical, and appliance systems, as well as observation of structural components: roof, foundation, basement, exterior and interior walls, chimney, doors, and windows. • My findings are provided in the form of a comprehensive inspection report, which includes an objective evaluation of the condition the home clearly outlining any existing defects and potential problems. • The inspection will include: * A thorough visual inspection of the structure (inside and out, from foundation to roof). * An examination of all major systems. * An objective evaluation of the condition of the home. * A printed and emailed electronic copy of the report covering all findings and identifying potential concerns. * A high quality binder that includes: your home inspection report, full color photos, a repair and remodel cost estimate guide, home maintenance information, and a package of valuable offers from our Living With My Home partners
7 years in business
10700 Waxhaw Manor Dr
Waxhaw, NC 28173