Mohave Group LLC

HVAC Contractor - Williamsburg, VA


1 review


1 review

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







New AC Unit

Jan 2014

Installed new AC unit in new home. Price is for labor and materials needed to do the installation.


Williamsburg, VA

Budget Inn Office AC

Jun 2014

Removed burnt heat strip from AC unit, purchased and installed new heat strip kit. Kit price was $210.00, labor was $60.00.


Williamsburg, VA

AC Unit Repair

Feb 2014

Repaired AC unit in residential home. Price is usually between $60-80 for minor repairs.


Williamsburg, VA

Travelodge Inn and Suites Renovation

Jan 2014

Was given 80 rooms to completly rehab. Drywall, paint and repair. completed project on time and under budget.


Williamsburg, VA

Williamsburg Home

Jan 2014

Standard water-heater swap out in residential home.


Williamsburg, VA

Water Leak Repair

Jan 2014

Remove damaged drywall and carpeting from affected areas. Replaced broken 12ft of faulty water line. Dried out walls and preformed mold control. Installed new insulation and drywall. Installed new carpet padding and tack strips. Laid carpet down. Painted repaired wall and cleaned carpets.


Williamsburg, VA

Kingsmill Emergency

Dec 2013

Gas furnace would not come on after sitting idle for several weeks. Had to hit the reset button. I didn't even want to charge for service because it was a repeat customer. He insisted I take the money for having to come out at night in the cold.


Williamsburg, VA

Travelodge PTAC Maintenance

Jan 2013

Standard tune up. Cleaned coils and dust build up inside of units. Cleaned filters. Checked all units for burned or frayed wiring, oiled fan motors and cleaned fan blades and housings. Checked freon in each unit and repaired units that were not functioning properly.


Williamsburg, VA

Kingsmill Insulation

Jan 2013

Removed old insulation from crawl space. wraped the duct work running under the house in radiant wrap. installed new insulation under the house. Home owner also asked if we would put mouse bait in the crawl space since we were down there. We did.


Williamsburg, VA