Sykes Construction

Carpenter - Byhalia, MS


1 review


1 review

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro








Nov 2015

Frame 4000sq ft house. starting with first story walls, ending with cornice(and punch out for inspection). Labor price only


Byhalia, MS

Example of repair walk-around and quote

Sep 2015

Exterior Front Door x2 – Sanding and painting x3 coats of classic Red. - $250 Patch top concrete front porch step using industrial strength concrete filler, and refinishing porch/steps with concrete sealant. $250 Patch hole in upper porch trim/Clear front porch gutter/Paint front porch trim and columns x2 coats with x1 primer coat. $200 Move porch pallets to a safe painting area, replace any damaged pieces, water seal, and install in desired location. $275 Replace 2x8 door trim on south side of property. Sand, caulk, and paint door trim. (South entrance) $75 Remove deterioration on North side steps, seal with concrete sealant. $125 Install membrane on north side flowerbed, cover with river rock 2 to 3 inches deep. Install stone barrier wall. $150 Remove existing brick at the A/C unit. Replace with desired stone to cover gaps at the base of the A/C. $40 Install trim around A/C where the brick connects to the A/C intake. Concrete putty, caulk, paint 2 coats. $75 Patch hole in brick hole north side with mortar. $30 Install louvered/panel double door for bathroom $125 Remove bad concrete and repair with desired material (wood or concrete). Job is subject to inspection post demolition. $60 Remove and replace window blinds in front room x1. $20 Miscellaneous- $300 • Job site clean-up including material removal. (Disposal if necessary) • Material Pickup • Material research to insure accuracy on desired materials. • Contract documentation, quote processing including soft copies of all receipts, and legal documents. Total: $2,100 Christian & Sykes Construction

Memphis, TN

Ceiling repair

Sep 2015

The A/C unit had filled with water and ultimately ruined the ceiling just below it. We removed all of the water damaged sheet rock as well as insulation. Bracing was installed to reinforce the existing structure for a solid finish. Water resistant grade sheet rock was installed, and pop corned to match the existing medium.

Byhalia, MS

Exterior door replacement

Sep 2015

We removed multiple exterior doors for replacement. Framed and set the new larger and more efficient exterior doors. Installed new door trim. Weather proofed all seams and painted to match existing trim color.

Byhalia, MS

Window trim replacement

Aug 2015

We removed and replaced old weathered trim with a much more durable product. Weather proofed all seams and painted all trim.

Byhalia, MS

Man Cave

Aug 2015

Using recycled material, we covered the exposed insulation, which is a real fire hazard, and installed a cushion floor for ease on the feet. We can be very resourceful to meet your needs.

Byhalia, MS

Shutter Installation 01

Oct 2015

6 new shutters installed.


Byhalia, MS

Door Replacement

Remove existing exterior door, install new door, trim exterior, caulk, 2 coats paint. charge an extra $40 for material pickup if requested


Byhalia, MS