American Pest Solutions

Pest Control Company - Chicago, IL

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based on 13 online reviews

Average rating




based on 13 online reviews
based on 13 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Squirrel Eviction

Jan 2015

Squirrels entering from under gutters. We located all entry points and installed an "excluder" (one way door that lets them out but not back in) in the main entry point. Work is guaranteed for 1 year.


Chicago, IL

Honey Bee Extraction

Sep 2014

Nest of honey bee in tree 40 feet high. Company wanted to cut down tree but needed the bees extracted before doing so. We climbed the tree on a ladder to the point of the bee activity and removed all bees along with the honey combs.


Chicago, IL

Hornets Nest

Jul 2014

Hornets nest was forming on the arch of the door entrance. We climbed on a ladder and treated the nest with a chemical spray then removed the nest and disposed of it with protective gear. No one was stung or hurt in the process.


Chicago, IL

High Ladder Squirrel Eviction

Jun 2014

The squirrels were entering at a very high point of this home which required high ladders to reach the locations. Found access points for squirrels and placed an "excluder" in the main entry point for the squirrels. Job came with a 1 year warranty.


Chicago, IL