Pest Control Company - Dallas, TX
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I am a Licensed Commercial Pesticide Applicator with the Texas Department of Agriculture in Ornamental Lawns and Turf, Category 3A and a Certified Arborist with over 37 years experience in pest control, tree-saving and insect and disease treatment services. You can rest assured the job will get done right!
30 years in business
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Kristine L.
Mr. White promised he could and would save our trees. However, he did NOT test either tree to determine what was affecting them [which kind of insect(s), fungi, or combination]... This man showed up, sprayed some chemical pesticide and charged us $1200 for 30 minutes of "work" [spraying 2 small trees]. Mr. White said, "If there's no improvement by mid-July, give me a call and let me know." Well, there's been ZERO improvement. Called Mr. White... Mr. White completely changed his story/tune, saying, "There should NOT be improvement and that there's nothing to worry about -- don't worry until NEXT SPRING and IF they're still alive, THEN I will start seeing improvement." We're out $1200 with ZERO results -- results were GUARANTEED within 60 days but he's now saying results aren't expected for 9 months (IF there is improvement!!)..... Nearly everything out of this man's mouth seems to be an exaggeration or a flat out lie. (He even changed the reason for the 60-day follow-up, saying he just wanted to make sure they didn't die in those 60 days, LOL.... The death of a tree, caused by insects or fungi, is a SLOW process which takes YEARS to complete --- The worst of the 2 trees is LESS THAN 1/3rd DEAD (the other less than 1/5th), so why on earth would this alleged "Arborist" think one or both would all of a sudden die in those 60 days, with or without his involvement?!?!) With such good reviews on HomeAdvisor & AngiesList along with A+ BBB Rating, this is the last "Pro" I expected to have a problem with... having said that, I have to assume MOST of the positive reviews for this guy were left by his friends and family; or by people who didn't wait for the results of his "work" and just trusted that everything would eventually be as he said it would be. Lastly, aside from the ever-changing lies that spew out of this man's mouth -- he NEVER stops talking -- and he repeats himself endlessly... as if saying a lie again and again will somehow make it true. PS: On a side note... He bragged to me that he had, if I remember correctly, 39 Children. Yes, you read right; and I heard right. __ In hindsight, one should not expect a man with 39 children to be a Moral / Ethical human being; but since this is the only "Arborist" around with access to the pesticides needed, he's got a monopoly on the market and he knows it -- so why be moral or ethical when you have a monopoly on the market?!
2706 McCutcheon Ln
Dallas, TX 75227