Organized Solutions by Christy

Home Organizer - New Kent, VA

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based on 37 online reviews

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based on 37 online reviews
based on 37 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Kitchen Declutter

Dec 2019

This Kitchen had hidden counter tops. The client did not know where anything was and was at the point of not wanting to cook or even go in her kitchen. I helped her declutter her counter tops and found a home for everything in her kitchen. Now, she is excited to get back to cooking in her new kitchen!


Weems, VA

Master Suite Project

Aug 2019

This master closet became overwhelming for the client. She could not find anything and would wind up buying multiples because she didn't know what she had in her wardrobe already. I started in one corner of the bedroom and worked my way around helping her purge and sort her clothes. We then worked on the closet and did the same thing. I then put what was left away neatly and orderly so she could easily manage her wardrobe and see what she had.


Fredericksburg, VA

Toy Room Revamp

Jun 2019

This project was a toy room for 2 pre-teen girls. They had outgrown most of their toys and wanted to have a new area where they could do homework and crafts, an area that looked less babyish (as they described it). FIrst, all the toys were purged. Most were donated, some for sale. What was left was mainly age appropriate items. Next, desks were brought in and a new Pre-Teen area was made!


New Kent, VA

Home Office Makeover

Feb 2019

This was a Home Office that had become in disarray. The client was at the point where she just shut the door and could not find a way to make it orderly and functional. I helped her purge years of paperwork and clutter and then I set up systems for her that were easy for her to maintain quickly and efficiently.


Kilmarnock, VA