Top 3 HVAC Companies in Oklahoma City, OK
More HVAC Companies in Oklahoma City, OK
Top questions to ask before hiring an hvac company
What type of insurance do you have? Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals work on a variety of mechanical areas of the home. You'll want to ask specific questions regarding professional training and licensing, as well as what types of insurance they have (for example, mold, air pollution or worker's compensation). It's fair to ask for the dollar amounts they are covered and a quality professional will show you verification of coverage.
HVAC professionals attend to a home's thermal needs as well as air quality. Because of the technical aspects of HVAC work, find out the scope of work your professional can perform. You may only need your heating unit serviced however, if this professional also specializes in energy efficiency, mold assessment, or offer ways for you to save on energy costs, you may want to hire them for future projects. Because some equipment is gas-powered, your professional should be able to answer questions about installing gas lines and permitting.
Ask about guarantees on labor or warranties on parts for your HVAC project. It's common to have a time limitation on parts and equipment. Save any paperwork related to your project so you can refer back to instruction manuals or serial numbers.
When working with a heating and cooling professional, ask if their company offers pricing incentives to encourage you to hire them on a regular basis. It's common to have your equipment inspected and serviced at least once a year. Your HVAC company may also offer special pricing on filters, ventilation cleaning or energy assessments.
Regardless of the scope of your project, find out what you need to do to prepare your home for their visit. For example, the HVAC professional will need access to the areas in question and may need access to other mechanical or ventilation points. Make sure pets and children are kept out of the way. Ask if your project will involve removing dry wall or making any other structural changes – you may need to hire a professional drywall contractor to patch up HVAC work. If you are adding a unit that may contribute to carbon monoxide within the home, find out if you need to purchase a carbon monoxide detector.
Recent reviews for Oklahoma City HVAC Contractors
The Suntech technician (Jack) was on time, pleasant, courteous and efficient. He quickly identified the issue, and set up a return appointment to install new parts. He did not waste time, fixed my furnace, and was very pleasant throughout the entire proce...
This company was excellent to work with. They went above and beyond to investigate issues with the current system. They gave realistic solutions. They ended up installing a new unit. The employees were professional and did a very good job with install...
The folks at ACCO are great. Had a problem with my new heating unit, sent a text to Brandon and he came out the same day and took care of everything. Turned out to be a problem caused by ONG. I have used them for years. They have installed 2 full uni...
They are quick to respond to any questions and provide quality products and service.
Our company, Max Roofing and Restoration, works with ACCO very often. They are the only company we trust to work with our clients. They are very professional and efficient. I would highly recommend using them.
Brandon and his team zoned our HVAC system. They did a great job! They were quick and made sure that everything worked. I plan to use them in the future and would recommend their work.
Brandon and his staff do excellent work. They always arrive on time and get the job done. I would highly recommend Air Conditioning Concepts.
AC Concepts is a very reliable Heating & Air company that I would recommend to anyone. - Grace Contracting, LLC
This is a company who cares about the work they do. You can see it from the owner down to the employees they have trained. Our system is perfectly balanced and efficient. Their yearly proactive maintenance and service agreement helps keep our heating an...
Brandon did quality, timely work and was easy to get a hold of if we had any questions.
Great job- everything as agreed. Brandon is great!
Everything You Need to Know About Oklahoma City HVAC Companies
How many hvac contractors does Oklahoma City have?
There are around 50 companies throughout Oklahoma City to help you with your next hvac job.
- 16 of them have an A or A+ rating from Better Business Bureau.
What Oklahoma City zip codes are served by HVAC Contractors?
Oklahoma City has 50 total HVAC Contractor companies that service multiple zip codes. We've put together a list of areas in and around Oklahoma City with the most HVAC Contractors:
- 2 HVAC Contractors in 73118.
- 1 HVAC Contractors in 73121.
- 1 HVAC Contractors in 73114.
- 1 HVAC Contractors in 73131.
Who should I hire if I need HVAC in Oklahoma City?
Right now there are about 50 companies in and around Oklahoma City ready to help you with your hvac project.
Below we've listed a few of the top HVAC Contractors on Porch:
- Suntech Mechanical LLC
- Comfort Incorporated
- EcoAire LLC.
All HVAC Companies in Oklahoma City, OK
Latest projects near Oklahoma City
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1,501-2,000 sq ft
51+ years
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