
Roofing Contractor - San Antonio, TX

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Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Laredo 2013

Dec 2013



Laredo, TX

Laredo 2013

Dec 2013

Permit Number: 13-00011777 Permit Type: BLOCK FENCE-REMODEL-REROOF Permit Description: OVER THE COUNTER (BLK FENCE-REMODEL-REROOF)


Laredo, TX

Deck Construction Dallas 2013

Sep 2013

Permit Number: 1309301102 Permit Type: Building Permit Permit Description: GEN MERCHANDISE OR FOOD STORE > 3500 SQ. FT. (B) Alteration ROOF OVERLAY. INSTALL 1 LAYER OF 1/4 ' DENS -DECK AS A SEPERATOR LAYER. INSTALL 1 LAYER OF 60 MIL WH


Dallas, TX

San Antonio 2013

Oct 2013

Permit Number: 1894335 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (ATTACHED NEW New 1 Story SFR w/frnf porch, cvrd rear patio & atchd garage Lot 10 Blk 10 NCB 120312 (*) Two (2) or more -1.5' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required prior to final inspection. *** 07/01/13, Notified Fred that plan is ready for pick up, plan is in bin 'NewLeaf', O.R. *** Permit fee is $790.90 pending *** Plans picked up by Fred on 07/26/2013 ***


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

Sep 2013

Permit Number: 1915285 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - ACCESSORY (CARRIAGE EXISTG Building 20 x 16 wood shed in rear of exising sfr // To comply with UDC and IRC/ Not to build over any easements/ Home Owner aware of Engineers Letter for foundation/ Home Owner given What's Next handout and informed of required inspection.-**MCF** **NOTE**: Any Electrical, Mechanical or Plumbing work will require an additional permit by State License contractor and inspections completed. 9/23/13 *rkl*


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

Oct 2013

Permit Number: 1901461 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (ATTACHED NEW New one story single family residence, NCB 14648, Block 36, Lot 63. Zone MF 33 PUD. UD and energy report on file. Residential plan certification statement submitted. Lintel letter submitted with plans. ***Requesting After Hours*** **MITIGATION**Will plant additional two, 2.5' trees on each lot (*) Two (2) or more - 1.5' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required for 38% residential Tree Canopy requirements (udc 35-523(e)A.) prior to final inspection (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under turf grass. *** Plans picked up by Gina on 07/31/2013 ***


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

Jul 2013

Permit Number: 1889099 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (ATTACHED NEW 2 Story/Single Family residence with an attached Garage and Deck. Located in Presidio Heights Unit 3, Lot 60, Block 16, NCB 17701, Plat #070391 (*) Two (2) -2' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required prior to final inspection. (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under new turf grass. [**] Approved per Tree Permit A/P 1312940 - see comment tab for additional information - no trees on site verified through aerial photo[**] RE *** 06/12/13, Notified Joe that plan is ready for pick up, plan is in bin 'McMillin', O.R. *** *** Plans picked up by Anita on 07/15/2013 ***


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

Jun 2013

Permit Number: 1889098 Permit Type: MISC REVIEW Permit Description: EXISTG CONSTRUCT CARPORT COVER TO SIDE OF EXISTING RES /4' WROUGHT IRON FENCE TO FRONT AND FRONT SIDE OF EXISTING RES/*MCF** To comply with UDC and IRC/ Not to build over any easements/ Home Owner aware of Engineers Letter for foundation/ Home Owner given What's Next handout and informed of required inspection.-**MCF** **NOTE**: Any Electrical, Mechanical or Plumbing work will require an additional permit by State License contractor and inspections completed.


San Antonio, TX

San Antonio 2013

May 2013

Permit Number: 1869351 Permit Type: RESIDENTIAL BLDG APPLICATION Permit Description: DWELLING - 1 FAMILY (DETACHED) NEW NEW 1 STORY FAM RES W/GARAGE// Zone R6 PUD. UD and IC3 on file. Residential plan certification statement submitted (Option 1, Sheet 2 of 3). Lintel letter submitted with plans. (*) Four (4) - 1.5' Medium to Large Trees (see appendix 'E' for types) required for 38% residential Tree Canopy requirements (udc 35-523(e)A.) prior to final inspection (*) Turf grass installed during or associated with new residential construction on and after 01-01-2006, shall have a minimum of FOUR INCHES of soil under turf grass. [**]Approved A1 Verified by Aerial Photo No trees on Site [**] 3/21/13 RE As stated on Tree Canopy Worksheet submitted, will plant 5 Trees to meet Canopy Requirements (3 trees with shade value of 550 sq ft, 1 tree with shade value of 875 sq ft) *** 04/03/13, Notified Brandon that plan is ready for pick up, plan is in bin 'L', O.R. ***


San Antonio, TX