Remodeling Contractor - Shelby Township, MI
Finished Basements - Custom Cabinets and Carpentry - Kitchens - Bathrooms
25 years in business
Kristine M.
Facts you should know about Plan 2 Finish/ Fine Home Renovations and Gregory Alan Zakucia... Oakland County- People vs. Zakucia Gregory Alan was filed on June 25, 2015. 09/04/2015 plea guilty ct2. Date set for sentencing on October 9, 2015 at 8:30am. Greg Zakucia has been involved in numerous lawsuits under several entity names in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb County. Greg Zakucia is NOT a licensed builder according to the State of Michigan. Greg Zakucia left us with an enormous mess. We hired Greg Zakucia to finish our basement in October 2014. at that time we were expecting a baby in April 2015 and needed the basement finished for guests. Greg Zakucia told us he would complete the basement in 2-3 months. Greg Zakucia took our money at the start of each phase and then wouldn't show up for weeks. Beware that Greg Zakucia starts every phase (ie. electrical, plumbing, finish carpentry) but fails to finish anything. In November 2014 he claimed hunting season, in December 2014 he claimed he was dealing with employee issues and that he would double up on crews in the new year. Crews of 3-4 men were never sent to our home except on the days he collected our payments. We moved out of our home for 26 days when our baby was born so that Greg Zakucia could have unlimited access to complete the job. We believed Greg Zakucia would complete our basement during that time but that did not happen. In fact, they didn't complete anything. In May 2015 Greg Zakucia claimed that he had an employee coming from over seas to wrap up our basement in June 2015. We met that employee 2 times. We now know Greg Zakucia never had a Plan 2 Finish. Greg Zakucia robbed our family, don't let him rob yours. Don't trust him, he is a seasoned liar!
1234 anystreet
Shelby Township, MI 48315