Air Quality 360

Radon Detection & Reduction Specialist - Sterling, VA

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Activating a Passive Radon System

Jan 2018

The customer had a passive system in their newer home and they were looking to bring the radon levels down to below 7 Cpi/L. We activated the passive system by installing a radon fan in the attic, which also included installing the electrical work needed to building and NRPP codes.

Fairfax Station, VA

Dealing with Mold Odor

Mar 2017

The customer was concerned about odor from untreated wood and mold around the whole house. The mold was not related to leaks in the house, but rather the material used to build the house. The wood material was most likely out in the rain before being used to build the home. The home was also vacant for 2 years. We HEPA vacuumed all the hard surfaces around the house and the crawl space. We then applied anti-microbial spray on exposed wood on the inside of the house. Next we sealed the wood with sealant encapsulator which helps treat mold and odors. Our work exceeded the customer’s expectation, and we are continuing to work with him on other projects related to mold throughout his house.

Manassas, VA

Bathroom Mold Removal

Sep 2017

This job consisted of an old farmhouse with a lot of air movement in all of the walls. We were called into address mold that you cannot see from the outside, as it was hidden in the wall cavities. This was causing health issues for a tenant. We set up containment, negative air pressure, and did a controlled demolition and cleaning to remove contaminated materials. During the course of the project we found additional mold, which changed the scope of the work done.

Warrenton, VA

Activating Radon System in Newer Home

Jun 2017

We received a call about high radon levels (over 4 pCi/L) in a newer house with a passive radon system. After doing his own test, the customer was looking to install an active sub-slab depressurization system. In order to activate the current passive system, we installed a radon fan and the electrical work needed for the fan to run following building codes and NRPP codes. The post testing of radon measured around 0.20 pCi/L. The post measure of radon exceeded the customer's expectations.

Ashburn, VA