Phone & Internet Specialist - Medley, FL
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Scott S.
DROP THESE IDIOTS, LIKE A HOT POTATO, AT ONCE!!!!!!!!! Never ever have experienced such discord..6 phone calls in two days to address minutes and data not being added to my account....once finally my minutes were added, they took away my data, then vice versa....totally incapable of correctly adding both at once , and now they completely deleted my 2.5gb of data within 2 minutes, and tell me that I need to purchase more joke...left hand has no clue what the right hand is doing....and they dont seem to have notes from the prior reps I spoke to.... I just signed up for another provider, where I dont have to no longer deal with Safelinks bs, as soon as my new sim card arrives...Thank God!
9700 NW 112th Ave
Medley, FL 33178