Atlanta Pro Movers

Mover - Atlanta, GA

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Buckhead 1 bedroom

Mar 2014

Small one bedroom move with long walk to elevator. The duration of the move was longer than expected due to the distance from the apartment to truck. Approximately an 80 yard walk. Our movers are always equipped Chicago dollies and hand trucks.


Atlanta, GA

1 bedroom

Mar 2014

Customer called in at 6:30 stating that his original movers quit on him and he needed movers asap. Luckily I was able to get a hold of 2 of our movers on short notice. By 8 pm our guys arrived on the scene customer said don't worry about his furniture, he only wanted his flat screen TV''s wrapped. the 2 man crew got him packed up an on to his new location the total move took 2 hours and 45 minutes. The customer was happy and thanks us for coming out on short notice


Atlanta, GA