Jpc Architects

Architect - Bellevue, WA

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Project Gallery

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Jun 2013

A travel expense management agency moves it headquarters to Bellevue, WA.

Bellevue, WA


Nov 2011

Ubermind is a creative mobile app development company. This start-up grew out of their existing space in Fremont and wanted a new space that reflected their new branding. Ubies, as they call themselves, spend long hours in the office, so they wanted a fresh energetic space with warm inviting colors. Integrating the foundation of their company into the space, ipads were designed into the walls for purposes of conference room scheduling. It was important for this new space not to hinder their creativity in any way. Writable glass, tackable surfaces and a variety of open meeting areas are found throughout Ubermind to capture creative moments.

Seattle, WA

Mercer Island 2010

Dec 2010

Permit Number: 1006-176 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: COMM ALT CORE ONCOLOGY TI: EXISTING OFFICE ALT suites 630+650 (7/20/2010 1:34 PM HM) Signed Hold Harmless received.


Mercer Island, WA

Auburn 2009

Jan 2010

Permit Number: TEN09-0015 Permit Type: TENANTIMPROVEMENT Permit Description: COMMERCIAL REVISE EXISTING GT DEVELOPMENT - CONSTRUCT OFFICES & LAB REVISE OFFICE AREA AND CREATE 1,330 SQ. FT. OF OFFICE AREA. ADD 1,001 SQ. FT. FOR NEW RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LAB., (6/1/2009 2:45 PM DGOF) VALLEY REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Date: June 1, 2009 Name: GT Development Corporation TI Address: 425 C St NW, Auburn Permit#: TEN09-0015 VRFA Work Order #: 09-0081AU Plans for this project were received by our office for review on May 26, 2009. A careful review was conducted based upon the International Fire Code, 2006 Edition, the Auburn City Code and applicable national standards. These plans are approved with the following conditions: 1. Alterations and/or modifications to the existing sprinkler system shall be in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 13, 2002 edition. 2. Three (3) sets of stamped sprinkler drawings shall be submitted by a licensed sprinkler contractor holding a Level III certificate of competency in accordance with WAC 212-80. The abovementioned plans shall be submitted to the City of Auburn Permit Center located at Auburn City Hall, 25 West Main St. 3. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to coordinate with sprinkler contractor to ensure that sprinkler heads are positioned so that the response and discharge of the sprinkler heads are not duly affected by obstructions such as ceiling slope, beams, ductwork or light fixtures. 4. Fire alarm initiation and notification devices are required in accordance with International Fire Code (IFC) section 907.10, 2006 Edition throughout existing and new office areas. 5. Visible alarms shall be located in all ?common and public use areas? in accordance with IFC section 907.10.1.1 and 907.10.1.2. Examples of ?common or public use areas? would be corridors, conference rooms, lunch rooms, foyers and shared offices. Private offices and similar spaces are exempt. 6. Alarms shall be integrated into the building fire alarm panel. 7. Alarm system design shall comply with the requirements of ANSI A117.1, 1998 edition and NFPA 72, latest edition and shall be addressable. , 8. All required fire alarm systems shall be reviewed and approved by the Valley Regional Fire Authority and installed under a permit obtained from the City of Auburn, Building Department 9. Complete plans and specifications of all fire alarm systems shall be submitted for review prior to system installation. Plans and specifications shall include, but are not limited to, building floor plan, locations of all alarm devices and equipment, battery calculations, wiring riser diagram, point to point wiring of all devices and shall be drawn to 1/8 or 1/4 inch. Submit a minimum of three (3) copies of all plans, specifications and catalog cut sheets for all alarm devices to the City of Auburn, Building Department permit coordinator at 25 West Main St., Auburn. 10. Fire extinguisher placement shall be in accordance with International Fire Code Section 906. If there are any questions, feel free to contact me at 253-735-2463. ______________________ David Goff Deputy Fire Marshal Valley Regional Fire Authority ,


Auburn, WA

Bathroom Remodeling Mercer Island 2008

Jan 2010

Permit Number: 0811-096 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: COMM ALT FARMERS INSURANCE TI - BATHROOM RENOVATIONS


Mercer Island, WA

Mercer Island 2009

Dec 2009

Permit Number: 0909-101 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: COMM ALT TI FOR JOHN L SCOTT


Mercer Island, WA

Mercer Island 2004

Oct 2006



Mercer Island, WA

Mercer Island 2006

Aug 2006

Permit Number: 0605-136 Permit Type: BUILDING Permit Description: COMM ALT TI WORK FOR SMITH RICHARDS GROUP Short Plat also uses address 7216 78th Ave SE. (11/2/2005 14:11 LO) Spoke to Jennifer w/ RW Thorpe about installing water meters with site development . Gave her water meter sizing worksheets to


Mercer Island, WA

Mercer Island 2005

Jun 2006

Permit Number: 0602-206 Permit Type: LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRIC Permit Description: COMM ALT INSTALL VOICE DATA CABLING (8/25/2005 15:34 LO) Fees calculated at 60% Office Type II 1-Hr $46.50/sq ft for 1,390sq ft and 60% Office Type 1-FR $69.42/sq ft for 4.582 sq ft. (12/12/2005 15:14 NH) Please call Advanced Fire when building permit is issued . Fire Sprinkler permit is ready to issue.


Mercer Island, WA