Building and Repair Specialties

Handyman - Blountsville, AL

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Room Addition project

Apr 2014

Built new room addition onto a house from the ground up.

Blountsville, AL

Mural paint project

Mar 2011

Created a custom mural of an ocean with bird flying over the shore- done in a realistic style with shadowing. first drew out design in pencil, then painted background and foreground using different layers of paint to add depth.

Blountsville, AL

Metal roof project

Aug 2006

Installed metal roof and siding on a house, with extra metal trim to decorate. Created custom trim on a j brake- designs drawn first on paper, then cut, for sidings and corners. Received an award from the Landmark Society.

Blountsville, AL

Roof & siding project

Apr 2006

"Installed metal roof and siding on a house, with extra metal trim to decorate. Created custom trim on a j brake- designs drawn first on paper, then cut, for sidings and corners. Received an award from the Landmark Society.

Blountsville, AL

School window project

May 1999

custom window job- grammar school in Blountsville. measured and custom made vinyl tinted windows. Ensured window was level. hard vinyl shell- tinted to insulate against heat. Blountsville Elementary School

Blountsville, AL