Plain Jane's Home Service's

House Cleaning Service - Boise, ID

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Cabinet & Pantry Cleaning & Organizing

Jun 2018

Client wanted to surprise wife with a clean and organized kitchen. Cabinets had several years of grime & grease buildup that took a little time and a lot of saop & water. Organizing part of this project took no time at all.


Boise, ID

Stucco repair & She'd Siding assembly

Jun 2018

Repairing/patching a few damaged areas on the exterior with stucco. Re-paneling, small storage shed


Boise, ID

Crawl space cleaning

May 2018

Neglected crawl spaces can have a negative impact, and can affect: Air-quality, Energy efficiency, Comfort & Safety. moid & moisture in the attic and/or crawl space can ultimately damage the foundation & structure of the building over time. Crawl spaces are breeding grounds for mold & mildew as well as pests and insects because they are dark, cold & prone to moisture. If not maintained and cleaned regularly the dirty air from the dark unknown gets transfered through the air conditioner into your clean home. Which could potentially be hazardous to the health of you & your family. A basic crawl space/attic maintenance clean includes removal of all debris/dust & lent from the area as well as easily seen mold & mildew & easily seen pests insects & nests are vacuumed/swept out as well.


Nampa, ID