Landscaping Company - Calhoun, GA
Our commitment to quality, customer service, and timely job completion is our promise to our customers. We have built many strong relationships because of our work ethic and we will undoubtedly continue to do so! Call today! At Hunts Turf Farm, we provide sod for home owners and landscape professionals. We grow Certified Tifway (419), Fescue , Meyer Zoysia and Emerald Zoysia. Our main service area is from Chattanooga to Atlanta and from the Alabama line to Gainesville. On full truckloads of grass we can provide trucking for greater distances. Call us today for a free estimate 706-625-1830! Products: Sod, Bermuda Grass, Zoysia Grass, Fescue Grass, Turf, Seeds, Fertilizers Services: Sod Application, Turf Application, Drill/ Backfill Aeration, Pro-Seed Inter-Seeding, Pro-Seed Inter-Seeding, Core Collection & Removal, Top Dress Spreading, Brush In Top Dressing, Custom Work, Drainage, Consultations, Installation, Landscape Designs, Maintenance Specialties: Bermuda Grass, Emerald Zoysia Grass, Fescue Grass, Athletic Fields, Golf Putting, Residential Services, Commercial Services Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
24 years in business
933 Hunts Gin Rd NE
Calhoun, GA 30701