Mullinax Professional Services

Handyman - Charlotte, NC


6 reviews


6 reviews

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







IKEA Furniture Assembly

Aug 2016

The client had multiple pieces of IKEA furniture to be assembled. The job was completed quickly and on-time.


Charlotte, NC

Murphy Bed Assembly

Aug 2016

We assembled a beautiful murphy bed that fit the room perfectly. A hard day's work really paid off!


Charlotte, NC

Art Installation

Jul 2016

Multiple small pieces installed throughout an apartment.


Charlotte, NC

Art Installation

Jul 2016

We hung multiple pieces in a stairwell. Always tricky having to navigate uneven surfaces.


Charlotte, NC

Home Theater Component Installation

Jul 2016

We assisted the client with connecting all of her home theater components to her television. Including a sound bar, DVD player, Apple TV, Roku, and Cable box.


Charlotte, NC

Art Installation

Jun 2016

The client had a group of 4 beautiful art pieces that needed to be installed.


Charlotte, NC