Carolina maintenance & reconstruction co. llc

Handyman - Clayton, NC

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Roof damage, rotted siding

Oct 2015

This was a leak we got called into.mwe requested a insurance claim be filed because damage was so bad. We removed the portion of roof, repaired then replaced the siding.


Clayton, NC

Riverwood townhome

Sep 2015

Water was leaking into garage during rain storms. We removed siding, there was no house wrap but the cost to remove all of siding was too great for owner. So we added step flashing, butyl tape, ice and water barrier, and a kick out on the step flashing. Works now as dsigned.


Clayton, NC

Microwave install

Aug 2015

Removed hood fan. We ran a new line with a new breaker,(elecctrician). We then installed microwave. We did 6 of these in all new construction.


Benson, NC