Asphalt & Paving Contractor - Colorado Springs, CO
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Brien H.
I was driving home on N.Carfree by N.hammock st and the posted speed limit is 35 despite construction projects going on. I was driving and a Trax Construction dump truck cut me off and the people behind me had to slam on their breaks as well. When I pulled over to report the license plate to *227, the woman said I was speeding. I pointed out my dash cam and let her know I was actually going below the speed limit. While I was on the phone with the police, her co workers were blasting their horns intentionally , so i was not able to talk with the police on the other line. This company is a liability to anyone they work for I work for a large insurance company in town and I know if they cause any property damage, injuries, or a wreck, the victims can actually come after your for hiring them. If you go on the DOT website and enter their DOT# (1091465), the have 10 Out of service violations ( these are bad) they include 3 tow-away crashes, and multiple violations for vehicle maintenance SAFER is a public website where you can view the inspections and how many times the company has failed, passed, and what the violations where for. Again, I write commercial vehicle insurance and these folks would have high insurance. Please consider other options so you don't end up in a lawsuit. The link below is the video of the truck cutting me off.
555 Ford St
Colorado Springs, CO 80915