Landscapes and Illuminations by Cynthia Fields

Lawn & Garden Service - Dallas, TX

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Glenn Abbey, Dallas TX

Jan 2013

Create an english garden that the homeowner just loves. total maintenance and gardening monthly. Fertilizing, pruning, weeding.

Dallas, TX

Irvin Simmons Street, Dallas TX

Jan 2013

Create beds with boulders, lugustrom, lorpedlum, moss stone and pavers, boxwood and Japanese Yew. Ceate a flow going around the edge of the home. Create a very large bed with 3 large boulders with 2 very large Sago's. Just beautiful application to the home. Going to create the west and fore east of the house this spring. 2014 They are rebuilding their home and we are caring monthly for the property in the mean time.

Dallas, TX

Cochran Hollow, Dallas TX

Jan 2013

Contract a wall builder, fill beds with Heather grass, Japanese Yews and Lorpedlum. Lantana is placed and cut back to grow from corners every year, and Katy Ruellia the same. creating permanent beds letting nature take it's course with little maintenance monthly.

Dallas, TX

Wonderland Trail, Dallas TX

Jan 2013

Contract for 2 Arbors, a wall and create beds as well as exterior Lighting for beds and Arbors and Trees. Tree trimming and design of outdoor environment around Pool area and tearing out a ground deck to create a pathway through the hew bed. fence was also built.

Dallas, TX

Caruth Hills, Dallas, TX

Jan 2013

Completely renovate beds, adding Yukkas, Lorpedlum, Privet, bermuda and St. Augestine sod, removing all Asian Jasmine. Maintain Gardens and Lawn monthly.

Dallas, TX