Howard A. Partner Landscape Architecture

Landscaping Company - Durham, NC

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Chapel Hill Storm Drain

Dec 2013

Installed multi-flow underdrains, french drains, and sloped drains to improve drainage on a steep hilly lot. *Cost includes construction and design fees


Chapel Hill, NC

Durham Storm Drainage

Nov 2013

Storm drains and swales installed around a small house at the bottom of the block. Before work, storm water would flood the yard. Work was done to direct runoff to avoid the house.


Durham, NC

Chapel Hill Storm Drainage

Nov 2013

Installed swales, storm drains for downspouts, and a diversion dike to divert storm water runoff coming downhill, away from the homeowners yard. *Cost includes construction and design fees


Chapel Hill, NC

Pittsboro Storm Drainage

Nov 2013

Storm drainage work for a large addition to existing house. Involved installing curbs on driveway to divert runoff; relaying a patio so that it would drain correctly; and installing new drain lines to divert water around the new addition. *Cost includes construction and design fees


Pittsboro, NC

Cary Runoff filter

Jun 2013

Project involved a house that was located within a eco-sensitive area. In order to expand the house, work had to be done to design and build a bio-retention basin to filter the runoff water before it entered a nearby lake. Permitted through EPA


Cary, NC