Plumber - Fawn Grove, PA
Serving our customers for over 40 years, we are a family owned company with various sizes trucks to serve your needs. We clean, service and inspect septic tanks, sand mounds, holding tanks, cesspools, BAT systems and various other sewage systems. We are a distributor of the Singular BAT system by Norweco which is approved in Maryland to meet the BAT requirements for the Chesapeake watershed. We provide wastewater services to residential, commercial, municipal, industrial and agricultural customers. Repairs, designs and installations of septic services are also services we provide. WE are members of the Better Business Association, Mason Dixon Business Association, PA Sewage Enforcement Officers Association, Pennsylvania Septage Management Association, MOWRA, NOWRA, MABA and numerous other organizations. We provide inspections for real estate transfers, on lot management programs, and can provide services to bring your home up to township standards. We are small enough for personal care, yet large enough for professional service. We serve York County Pennsylvania and northern Harford county Maryland.
217 Mill St
Fawn Grove, PA 17321