Precision Foundation Specialists Inc. (479)441-9515

Concrete Contractor - Fayetteville, AR


7 reviews


7 reviews

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Basement Repair, Stair Installation

Oct 2016

This project was for a home down on the Bentonville square that was under contract. The basement/cellar had only wooden stairs and severe water intrusion. We installed concrete stairs, walls and refreshed the basement so that the contract could go through. Our team did an excellent job in completing this task within budget and ahead of schedule.


Bentonville, AR

Building Pad in Lowell, Arkansas

May 2016

Our client wanted to build a new shop for his wife's furniture refinishing business. With limited green space, we saved the planters and composting pile and staged up a nice little pad. We cut the topsoil and root mat and hauled off site. We then undercut the area 1' to get to an acceptable proofrolling soil strata. We then placed select engineered fill consisting of Class 7 Base (just like the AHTD places under the roadway) and compacted to ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). Now he is ready for his concrete which he just contracted us to do as well. If you want the same level of work, call us today.


Lowell, AR

Vertical Steel Pier Installation Bella Vista, Arkansas

May 2016

This home (carport) in Bella Vista did not have any support below it. Yes, it had pedestals built; however, when the contractor removed his form boards, he failed to install shims....10 years ago. No, because of his failure to support, the carport has fractures from settlement. This could have collapsed if we did not provide the additional supports.


Bella Vista, AR

Foundation Repair in Bella Vista, Arkansas

May 2016

This home is now SOLD. The closing is set for Monday, May 9, 2016 and it is because we made it happen with foundation stabilization and opening the work working room. Whoever the builder of this house was did not have any structural know how. The CMU block pedestals were placed on SOILs and the concrete was placed around it. The CMU block pedestals leaned like the Tower of Pisa. The concrete continuous footing was only 8" thick (CODE VIOLATION). We lifted the house back into place and corrected the structural deficiencies in 1 working day with Team 2.


Bella Vista, AR

Foundation Repair 3 Story Home in Prairie Grove, Arkansas

May 2016

This residence was built by the owner who happens to be a licensed contractor. He called PFS Inc. out to see why the front brick veneer was collapsing. It was determined the the front porch and the foundation system was inadequate to support the 3 story brick veneer and was undersized by 50% of design tolerance. PFS Inc. installed two (2) ASTM A32 steel piers to bedrock at 8' below grade. The recovery was almost instantaneous as we filmed at close up to review the lift. If you have foundation problems, give us a call at (479)751-0556. Also, PORCH is starting to "Charge" us for your leads and that is not what we are about. Remember, contractors should not have to pay for leads. You choose who you want to use. Call us directly and we will take care of your issues.


Prairie Grove, AR

Slab jacking by Foam Injection in Stone Mountain Subdivision in Fayetteville, Arkansas

May 2016

PFS Inc. located a total of 6 fractures traveling a total distance of 126' with an interior slab depression of 3 7/8" downward under the kitchen island that had an illegal (code violation) utility trench backfill. The kitchen had to be REMOVED 100% to include all base cabinets, wall cabinets, 2000 lbs 3CM granite island, the entire glue down floor and all trim pieces. Needless to say, our clients were skeptical regarding this could be done and that we could lift the 600 sq.ft. slab on grade back into its original constructed place. We arrived at 1000 hours and were completed and out the door by 1447 hours. The total slab was lifted, no damage at all and the client was 100% thrilled. The final elevation was -.01" (inch). That is 1/100th of an inch out of true flatness over the entire 600 sq. ft. kitchen area. If your floors are a mess, call the BEST! If you have sinking floors, please give us a call. We guarantee our results with an industry leading warranty.


Fayetteville, AR

Concrete Slab on Grade in Lowell, Arkansas

May 2016

PFS Inc. already had the soils work and excavation for our client and then we were awarded the concrete work as well. Even though we were not the low bidder on the project, our client already had seen our work and how precise it was on the building pad. This was a 16'x20' concrete pad with thickened edges. We placed a 5" slump with #3500 psi concrete with 5 +/- 1.5% air entrainment to deal with the freeze and thaw that occurs in Arkansas. The slab was reinforced with carbon fiber horizontal reinforcing bar (rebar provided by FIBERUM Inc.- a local company out of Fayetteville, Arkansas) This was a custom job where the client wanted a slick finish for the interior portion of the slab (Metal building coming soon) and a PERFECT transition to a medium broom finish on the sidewalk portion. The transition is almost flawless from Slick Finish to Broom Finish. If you want only the best of the best on your project, contact us today. As we always say, "If you want a perfect slab on grade, call PFS today!" (479)751-0556


Lowell, AR

Rolling (Settling) on the River in Noel, Missouri

Apr 2016

Our client contacted us after she was told by our competitor, American Standard Foundation Repair, that her project would cost at least $20,000.00! I am glad that she did. Here was the problem with whole situation. Our client is closing on her house on Friday, May 6, 2016. Upon doing the Title search and diligence, the mortgagee found an insurance claim for flood damage and foundation damage in December 2015. Then an engineer wrote a report for the insurance company saying that the wall was un-serviceable and that it needed to be torn down and reconstructed. We argued with the Engineer of Record and provided an alternative Lifetime Warranty solution! Upon arriving on-site, it was immediate that the foundation issue was NOT related to the flood or hydrostatic/hydrodynamic forces pushing against the home. We found two (2) different colors and type of caulk and storm debris within the the cracks! We found a Beer Can within the interior cell of the CMU block. We found sticks, wood, leaves, grass, etc. This is the proof that the seller lied about the damage and that they collected insurance and did not repair the issue. Instead they dropped the price by $30,000.00 making it look like a heck of deal and attempted to dump it on the market. We looked at the project on Thursday morning, April 28, 2016. We signed the contract for repairs at 9:30 PM the same day and we were on-site at 11:00 AM on Friday, April 29, 2016. We saved the wall, saved our clients $18,000.00 and saved the closing date. It does not get any better than that. If you want the same level of service, give us a call.


Noel, MO

Basement Wall Push, Concrete Replacement and Waterproofing

Feb 2016

Our client contacted us to take a look at their basement in South Fayetteville. The basement wall was bowing inward over 3 1/4" due to hydrostatic pressure, the basement leaked and the front of the house was falling due to a failing foundation system. PFS Inc. lifted the entire home off of the south wall, installed its hydraulic wall push system and we pushed the wall out to within 1/2" of true plumb. We would have pushed more; however, the foundation wall was constructed in the late 1920's and no horizontal reinforcing bar could be located by our X-ray machine. The front sidewalk was demolished, the front wall was built from scratch and the a new sidewalk and custom crawlspace entrance door was installed. Total project time was 10 days. If you have a leaky basement, bowing walls or foundation problem, we can do the same for you.


Fayetteville, AR