Pacesetter Property Solutions

Handyman - Flowery Branch, GA

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Garage door replacement - Lawrenceville

Mar 2016

Customer had two builders grade doors. They were pretty worn out & noisy! We installed two polyurethane insulated doors. We also installed ballbearing rollers. There was also concrete exposed below two of the jamb legs out side of the door.


Lawrenceville, GA

Garage door replacement - Gainesville

Mar 2016

We replaced an old, worn out garage door. With a brand new 9x7 insulated door. We also upgraded the rollers with ball bearings, and installed a brand new Lift Master belt drive opener.


Gainesville, GA

Dr. Matt's sidewalk

Dec 2015

We constructed a flagstone side walk. To Dr. Matt's pool & shed area. We excavated 6" of soil. Then installed 3" of gravel for base material. Topped the 3" of base with granite sand. Then tamped the base with gas powered tamper. Installed flagstone in random pattern. Then we grouted with masons mix & dyed it brown. After we cleaned up, we then transplanted some shrubs from around the yard. Installed mulch throughout & hauled yard debris to landfill.


Alpharetta, GA

Dr. Matt's sidewalk

Dec 2015

We installed a flagstone sidewalk over 3" gravel base & 2" packed granite sand topping. We then grouted the flagstone & edged with river slicks. We also installed mulch throughout the yard. As well as transplanted existing shrubs.


Alpharetta, GA

Dr. Matt's sidewall

Dec 2015

We constructed a flagstone walk way. To the pool at Dr. Matt's house. We also transplanted some existing shrubs & installed new mulch throughout.


Alpharetta, GA

Flagstone sidewalk & Landscaping

Dec 2015

Photos from a flagstone sidewalk we did for Dr. Matt. We excavated about 6" of soil. Then installed a 3" gravel base. Topped the base material with granite sands. Then packed with the gas powered tamper. Installed flagstone in a random pattern. Then grouted the project with dyed masons mix. After we also transplanted some existing plants & Installed mulch in the beds.


Alpharetta, GA

Flagstone Sidewalk

Dec 2015

Sidewalk to Pool


Alpharetta, GA