Home Inspector - Gainesville, FL
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HOME INSPECTIONS & MOLD INSPECTIONS VISIT US AT: HOMEINSPECTORUSA AND REQUEST AN INSPECTION QUOTE HOME INSPECTOR USA (John. M. Acaron) is a State of Florida Licensed Home Inspector, Licensed Mold Inspector/Assessor, former Contractor, Engineer and the "ONLY" Certified Master Inspector (CMI) performing Comprehensive Home Inspections (CHI) in the Gainesville Florida area. WHY HOME INSPECTOR USA IS YOUR BEST CHOICE: * John M. Acaron/Certified Master Inspector & Retired Engineer (BSME & TDME) * Former Residential Contractor (Large scale Homes) * State of Florida Licensed Home Inspector: #HI-80 * State of Florida Mold Assesor: #MRSA-1895 * Free Mold Screening with any CHI * Free 90 days Limited Home Warranty with any CHI * Free Recall Check Service with any CHI * Free "Home Safe Book" downloaded from our website * Free " Now That You've Had a Home Inspection" Book * Free Consulting for 30 days after CHI * "TOTALLY UNBIASED" Straight to the Point when performing a CHI * One Objective in Mind: To Discover What Is "Wrong" With The Property We provide VALUE added to the real estate transaction. The cost of the inspections is based on true Sq-Ft of the property, features of the property and the quality of the assessment performed. We are a local "INDEPENDENT" professional Home, Commercial and MOLD inspection company founded in the Emerald coast of Florida in 2002. Engineers (BSME & TDME) & Chemist who have examined over a thousand homes for prospective buyers and sellers. HOME INSPECTOR USA sets the standards for Home, Commercial & Mold Inspectors in our area. Our experience, expertise and knowledge set us apart from the average Home & Mold inspector. We provide a peace of mind for our clients. We are totally independent and have NO association with any REALTOR or CONTRACTOR. We do not participate in any Real Estate Company Vendor's Program nor we have any association with any local building contractor's. It is a "CONFLICT" of interest and NOT in favor to the client. One objective in mind when performing a comprehensive home inspection: "To discover what is wrong with the property". "Price Is What You Pay, Value Is What You Get" Our clients come FIRST and always will be FIRST! Our services also include: Comprehensive Home Inspections, Mold Inspections, Mold Testing, Pre-purchase Inspections, Wind Mitigation, 4 Point Inspection, Roof Inspection, Swimming pool inspection, Sea wall and Boat house inspections, among others. We write our Home & Commercial Inspection reports. We do not use a computer generated canned check list program with symbols and cartoons like our competitors. Our reports are detailed to each property and depict clearly the issues found during the field work. We are renowned in our area for "ZERO TOLERANCE" when performing a home inspection! We at HOME INSPECTOR USA are experienced, seasoned professionals (Engineers by Degree and Trade & Chemist) taking care of your investment. We will give you the best bang for your buck!s Results on the spot with NO sugar coating the findings, just the facts! Please check out our home page at: HOME INSPECTOR USA Our principal, John M. Acaron, has a bachelor's (BSME) & a (TDME) in Mechanical Engineering and is a State of Florida Licensed Home & Mold Inspector and Certified as a "Certified Master Inspector" (CMI). John M. Acaron has worked with the Department of Defense (DOD) in the capacity of Project Engineer (PE) and Project Manager (PM) in the design, development, and construction and outfitting of large-scale military facilities. Home Inspector USA is the premier Home Inspection company in Gainesville Florida. John M. Acaron also has significant experience in commercial and residential construction; he has managed and built a number of large residential water front and non-water front houses in the local area. He has also inspected several Mini Malls (Shopping Centers), Banks, Federal buildings among others. Additionally, John M. Acaron is licensed, registered and certified by ESA, IAC2, EMLS and PRO-LAB, to perform environmental services such as Organic Microbial (Mold) screening & testing, & allergens testing. He is also certified to perform; Water (FHA) and Indoor Air Quality Testing. For properties built from 2001 to 2009, we offer CHINESE drywall screening & inspection when performing a CHI at a nominal fee. We also offer Insurance Inspections such as: 4 Point, Roof & Wind Mitigation. " Alachua, Gainesville, Archer, Newberry, High Springs, Waldo, Hawthorne" SEMPER FI
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John A.
Home Inspector USA was hire to perform a home inspection on a house we wanted to buy. The inspector was very knowledgeable and committed to inspect and find issues with the house. He uses all kind of tools to test and verify that components are operable and working fine. I was quite impressed with his knowledge. The inspector explain to my wife and I the problems identified and the solution of them. The report was very detailed and specific. Because of the inspection and report we were able to make the right choice. I will definitely recommend Home Inspector USA. Mr. Acaron did a great job. John S
10314 SW 19th Pl
Gainesville, FL 32607