Arizona Lawn Care LLC

Lawn & Garden Service - Glendale, AZ

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Scottsdale residential

Jul 2015

Green, green, green is what we can offer as well. It might cost a bit more however its worth it. Regular weekly client. We don't just don't do this clients lawn maintenance we also make sure the irrigation system is working properly. Monthly fertilization keeps it green.


Scottsdale, AZ

North Glendale Yard Maintenance

Jun 2015

Yard cleanup maintenance: trimmed palm trees, shaped bushes, cut grass. By weekly client.


Glendale, AZ

Clean up, landscape maintenance

May 2015

This is a auto mechanic shop in Glendale, AZ. It was a challenge for me and my team since the property wasn't regularly maintenance. The owner was really happy with the work we performed.

Glendale, AZ

Goodyear Lawn Maintenance

Jun 2015

Lawn maintenance, trimmed palm tree and shrubs, Installed lime tree

Goodyear, AZ