A Healthier Home LLC

Mold Inspector - Hendersonville, NC

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based on 85 online reviews
based on 85 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Repairs you can make to your air duct system.

Mar 2015

The duct work for your Furnace or Heat pump system. The low cost of materials and great rewards that result make this a great place to start for healthy home conditions, energy savings, and indoor comfort! Usually a one-day project and only $20 to $80 in materials to seal duct connections. Sometimes easy but sometimes quite labor intensive. If branches need replacing or panned joists need altering then you may have to buy another $100 to $800 more in materials (and put in a couple more days work). Replacing trunks, plenums, or altering duct design will require the help of a great HVAC pro. Hiring this work out can cost from $200 to $3,500. Rick's inspection will identify the duct issues you have and the scope of the project. He'll show you where and how to do the fixes. You'll know what to ask for if you need to hire this out. Rick's service is all about helping you get the results you hoped for without over-spending. Call Rick Bayless at 828-243-5192


Greenville, SC

Smelling mold and feeling sick

Aug 2014

Beth was more mold sensitive than her husband, Dave. Her symptoms would be worse whenever she spent some time downstairs. The house inside was recently cleaned before they moved in so how can there be mold? Molds love the humidity of the Southeast. Within just a portion of one summer it will pick up where ity left off last year. With a re-cleaning of downstairs to collect dusts and surface molds, application of a mold-inhibiting paint, and a control of dampness in the crawl space below, Beth can now breathe in both the upstairs and the downstairs of her house.


Hendersonville, NC

Crawl Space issues need correcting #1

Aug 2014

Homeowner and children were having allergy symptoms at the house. My Healthy Home inspection revealed that the damp crawl space was keeping the whole house humid enough to be growing mold on furniture, walls, and carpets. I developed a to do list for them and guided them through their clean-up and moisture control projects.


Greenville, SC

Energy Efficiency hurt because of a Mold problem?

May 2014

Mold impacting Energy Efficiency? Not quite but the two issues are related. When the crawl space is humid dusts trapped in the fiberglass floor insulation get damp also allowing molds to grow. The dampness also reduces the ability of the floor insulation to insulate. Rather than slowing the transfer of warmth, moist things conduct warmth away faster. Damp insulation doesn't insulate as well. Plus, damp insulation is heavier and it starts to shred, pull down, and fall away from the floor.


Hendersonville, NC

Mold at Home Inspection #1

Apr 2014

Standard Home Inspection said Jim should buy this house. My Environmental Examination revealed the need for $20,000 in repairs. Jim used this information to negotiate a better price for the house and to spare his wife from adverse health effects she would have had if they were not aware of the environmental issue conditions.


Asheville, NC

Sick in the Apartment

Aug 2013

Andrea was desperate. Water issues were driving mold growth in her apartment. Her stuff was geeting ruined. She was concerned for the health of her children. She needed an experienced, objective eye on the situation to guide everyone through effective and affordable clean-up, repairs, and preventive measures. I was able to define the issues and guide her and the maintenance crew through the appropriate fixes.


Spartanburg, SC

Home construction leaving mold issues

Apr 2013

Floor trusses were wetted outside before installation at this home under construction. Rain happens. When weather doesn't cooperate it really messes up the best of construction plans. Just be sure to take appropriate mold preventive measures to prevent locking mold colonies in behind new walls during the construction process. Rick helps you identify the extent of the issue and helps you avoid letting an unfortunate situation turn ugly.


Easley, SC

Air Quality issues in the house

Apr 2012

Homeowners were having headaches and allergy-like symptoms. A parade of Testing, Remediation, and Contracting service providers left them to decide among a mixed bag of solutions with pricing from $3,000 to $12,000. They needed an experienced, non-sales perspective to help them with the difficult decisions before them. Rick provided that assistance and got them on to the most effective and affordable fix.


Greer, SC