B & B Handyman Service

Handyman - Holland, MI

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based on 32 online reviews

Average rating




based on 32 online reviews
based on 32 ratings

Project Gallery

A table showing the projects done by the pro







Roof repair

Dec 2013

Tree damage to roof. Removed damaged shingles, and replaced.


Holland, MI

Door Installation

Dec 2013

basic door installation


Holland, MI

Water damage Repair

Dec 2013

Leakage around the toilet. Repaired the floor where leakage over flowed.


Zeeland, MI

Kitchen Remodel

Oct 2013

Removed and replaced Kitchen cabinets, Removed old counter top and replaced granite counter top. Tile work for back splash. Sink removal and new sink installed. Ceiling painted and hardwood floor replaced.


Holland, MI

Window Istallation

Jan 2013

basic window installation


Holland, MI

Sunroom Construction Holland 2006

Aug 2006

Permit Number: P06B0203 Permit Type: Building Permit Description: Res, Addition construct sunroom on an existing deck as per approved plans


Holland, MI

Window Installation Holland 2003

Jun 2004

Permit Number: P03B0444 Permit Type: Building Permit Description: Res, Alteration contruct bay window in existing house as per approved plans


Holland, MI

Garage Construction Holland 2001

May 2002

Permit Number: P01B0184 Permit Type: Building Permit Description: Res, Addition construct a garage additon and kitchen additon as per approved plans


Holland, MI

Porch Construction Zeeland 2000

Sep 2000

Permit Number: P00B0513 Permit Type: Building Permit Description: Deck add 6'x12' additon to exsisting porch as per apprvoed plans


Zeeland, MI